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Everything posted by Burnbabyborn

  1. Player name: burnbabyborn Showdown name: bbburn Server: Gold Rank on ladder: 18
  2. Without you asking i believe staff will do, i have playing this for a couple years and everytime we have trouble staff always give us compensation
  3. Smeargle deserves to be in the A rank Edited : or not
  4. Player Name: burnbabyborn Showdown Name: bbburn Server: gold Rank on Ladder: 15
  5. I have buying training service, but the person who train my pokes get banned. What I am must to do? I have 5 pokes, its all done training. But before we trade he gets banned after relogin. I have No evidience, i trust him because we are friend. I Just have screenshot one of my poke https://imgur.com/gallery/6H68N3H
  6. Im not close enough to say happy birthday, but happy birthday. Wish u all the Best.
  7. Ign burnbabyborn Server gold Please deleveling this pokemon
  8. Please help me to evolution my guildmates poke, he cant post in forum and ask me to help. That poke at my pc right now.
  9. ign : burnbabyborn showdown : bbburn Gold server 19th place
  10. Oh thank you so much, i thing its only seen data before.
  11. Nope, i need catch celebi first?
  12. im doin jirachi quest and im sure have all requirements like kanto johto hoen dex, i have 344 evolution, 200h hoen playtime and do all quest with help from this threads https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/★-legendary-megathread⎪complete-quests-and-seen-data.75301/. why after go to moon and talk to shiny stone nothing happened. or i need to catch celebi before i able to catch jirachi? i have mew and heatran so far.
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