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Flarex's Achievements



  1. Flygon mount :O
  2. How Many Hours? - always Do You Have Discord? - Sure its 2020! Are You Done Story? If Not How Far Are You In The Story? - Done Do You Have A PVP team? (Just Curious) - Not yet .. is in planing :D Total Hours Played?: 1132 Hr Favorite Pokemon And Why? :D - Zapdos : first legy i saw on my brother gameboy back then :D Are You Able To Visit Our Discord Server? - Sure ! Please Provide A Screenshot Of Your Trainer Card - Sure ! Why Should We Accept You To Our Guild? - im a rlly activ player whitout a guild :x and im trying to get on the Pro PvP train soon so need ppl dat may know more then i do about pro meta :) Discord ID and Username? Flarex#6900 Ps : sry 4 bad englisch im a european(german) so pls be genter qwq
  3. Best Mapper: Tempa Best Artist: Sirmeowington Best Community Coordinator: Nezuko Best Moderator: Caged Best Trade Moderator: Tigerous Best Game Master: Logan Best Admin: red Best Staff Username: SuckerPunch Most Professional Staff: Tigerous Most Dedicated Staff: Tigerous Funniest Staff: Logan Friendliest Staff: Tigerous Most Honorable Former Staff: Fluffles Most Missed Former Staff: Fluffles PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: nikhilnick Friendliest: nikhilnick Funniest:mokanody30 Coolest: navneeth Comeback Player of the Year: Waleed1301 Most Talkative: Waleed1301 Most Trustworthy: mourad Most Helpful: shunsou Most Missed: Fons Most Influential: Bonk3 Most Intriguing: Fadoka Most Experienced Player: Fadoka Best/Funniest Username: nikhilnick Most Professional Guide Maker: Waleed1301 Most Professional Discord Moderator:: Waleed1301
  4. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Flurex 2. Number of hours played? 644 hours 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Flygon 4. Do you use discord? Yes 5. What country are you from? Geermany 6. How old are you? 19
  5. Togekiss has nastyplot btw whiped me my first try xd
  6. Server transfer Username: Flurex Server to charge money from: silver Transfer from silver to gold
  7. SERVER TRANSFER Username : Flurex Server to charge the money from : Gold Main server to transfer : silver From gold to silver plz <3 :)
  8. i think the egg behinde route 2 was bugged on my account :x however i need one more 4 all 40
  9. Maybe its from a region dat u didnt finished yet?
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