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Kimtan20082002 last won the day on August 23 2022

Kimtan20082002 had the most liked content!


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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Hello sir Help me @IrushiaPlease transfer this to the winner of the auction, I need to gold right now but they are not online at the moment.
  2. Victini 7 won auction
  3. So :1k Min bid :10k insta : 1m end time : 24h start from the frist bid Accept cc : 360k rr iv : 760k
  4. Wtb pink hawcha 4m buget
  5. Partha69 won this auction when online contact me
  6. Sorry im edit mid bid because so high
  7. S.o 1k Min bid : 1k No insta End time :24h start from the first bid Accept cc : 360k Rr iv : 660k
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