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Everything posted by Fartoolong

  1. START ;10M Auction ends in 48 hours after first bid Instant bid ;18m Min raise;500k
  2. auction ended, Ecsecs contact me in game
  3. hey everyone , Cross server trade(Gold server can bid as well) and i will move the pokemon once the auction is done Start offer-2m insta-4m Min raise-500k auction starts after receieving first bid 2 days deadline insta lowered from 6m to 4m GL
  4. NAME CHANGE Username: Lastmanstanding New Username: Jok3r Server to charge the money from: Silver
  5. Username- Lastmanstanding New username-lawliet Server to charge - Silver
  6. -Start offer - 4m -Insta- 6m -Auction ends in 2 days after first bid -min bid raise is 200k Gl
  7. Start - 3m Insta -4m Accept cc - 300k Fake offers will reported Auction ends in 24hrs from first bid
  8. Sold insta 5m
  9. 3.5m by zaimisb
  10. Start offer 3m insta buy out -5m Fake bids will be reported Accept cc -300k and rerolls-580k Auction ends in 24hours after first bid Min bid raise 200k
  11. Contact me in game
  12. Insta lowered to 2.8m
  13. S.o - 2m Insta 2.8m Min bid raise - 200k Auction ends in 24 hours of first bid Gl
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