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Everything posted by Muffet

  1. Welcome to PRO! Feel free to get acquainted with the forums and if you need help, we have both Discord and IRC chats at our disposal; have fun!
  2. Welcome! Enjoy your stay and be sure to check out the forum guides and such, they'll help you along the way. Have fun!
  3. the server sizes are there as to reduce lag when you are on, a new server has recently been implemented, and 20 minutes queues are nothing compared to what there used to be, unfortunately for now, you will have to wait in a queue for a while.
  4. Hey there, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay here in PRO, have fun!
  5. Between headbutt trees and berry bushes there should be more than enough :)
  6. Hey there and welcome, be sure to check out the forums and if you need help, just ask for it; there's plenty of people around to assist you. Most of all have fun and enjoy your time on PRO!
  7. Hey there and welcome, be sure to check out the forums and if you need help, just ask for it; there's plenty of people around to assist you. Most of all have fun and enjoy your time on PRO!
  8. Welcome to PRO! Dream team? Inkay Gallade/Mega Pumpkaboo Starmie Espeon Hawlucha Oddly most are psychic/fighting/dark haha :P Hope you have fun!
  9. Welcome! Enjoy your stay and be sure to check out the forum guides and such, they'll help you along the way. Have fun!
  10. Welcome! If you need help, just ask here on the forums or in Discord/IRC. Enjoy your stay!
  11. Welcome to PRO! Feel free to get acquainted with the forums and if you need help, we have both Discord and IRC chats at our disposal; have fun!
  12. This has been suggested many times, and takes it from the "set" battle style in the real games, it has also been noted that this will not be changed because the game is supposed to be challenging and the "Shift" battle style makes the game much easier.
  13. If this occurs, you can just restart your client and it'll work again
  14. The issue has been resolved, you should be able to log in
  15. There was a recent issue with this which was rectified, please try logging in as your account should be activated.
  16. There are many reasons why the verification emails don't appear, try some of these. -Check your spam folders; we've had reports that checking your spam on desktop sometimes shows where it wouldn't on mobile etc. -Create and account using Gmail/Hotmail - these are the two most reliable. -Ensure you wait at least an hour; 5 emails are sent over the course of an hour to ensure you receive one, please be patient. Please note you cannot change your email on current accounts and if you get this issue, you will need to make a new account with a new user.
  17. From my player account, I distinctly remember splatting Blaine with a level 65(ish) Blastoise with Surf. The game is far from impossible, it just requires some thought and planning into boss battles; you can't just steamroll like you can in the original pokemon games and as much as that's offputting for some players, it's the point of the game to be challenging and is far from impossible.
  18. Welcome! Enjoy your stay and be sure to check out the forum guides and such, they'll help you along the way. Have fun!
  19. Welcome! Enjoy your stay and be sure to check out the forum guides and such, they'll help you along the way. Have fun!
  20. Welcome to PRO! Feel free to get acquainted with the forums and if you need help, we have both Discord and IRC chats at our disposal; have fun! Regarding the "overtrusting" incident - it wasn't really overtrusting, the community is usually kind, and scamming will just get you banned, so really it's just a kind gesture to help, and you'd ask the same in return I'm sure!
  21. Hey and welcome to PRO! If you haven’t already put a lot of time into a server, we have the new “Blue” server up which is great for new starters, why not jump over to that? Hope you enjoy your stay and if you need help, feel free to ask, have fun!
  22. Hey there, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay here in PRO, have fun!
  23. Hey there and welcome, be sure to check out the forums and if you need help, just ask for it; there's plenty of people around to assist you. Most of all have fun and enjoy your time on PRO!
  24. Welcome to PRO! Feel free to get acquainted with the forums and if you need help, we have both Discord and IRC chats at our disposal; have fun!
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