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Everything posted by Somes

  1. Wth... ill miss u death :'( .. hipe ull recover soon and gl for ur life ahead.
  2. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ The oldest guild ingame! (recruiting on both servers) <r><QUOTE author="Redflame2001"><s> </e></QUOTE> lmao red xD</r>
  3. INstant 500k offers start from 300k Instant 350k Start offering from 200k
  4. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <r><QUOTE author="Hvick"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sure :3</r>
  5. Lf offers. Instants: Togepi 300k (can go more if bidding for it continues) Snorlax 200k Excadrill: 200k Drillbur:150k
  6. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ The oldest guild ingame! (recruiting on both servers) <r><QUOTE author="DaDoom"><s> </e></QUOTE> Application cancelled, you have applied for another guild after you posted here.</r>
  7. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <r><QUOTE author="Sumner"><s> </e></QUOTE> sure :)<br/> To do List: <br/> Aymanx<br/> Mehmetcan<br/> Sumner</r>
  8. added staraptor for auction
  9. Re: Selling MULTISCALE DRAGONITE adamant <r><QUOTE author="TOBIBDISISA"><s> </e></QUOTE> Dude, im seller i'm satisfied with the shits im getting.</r>
  10. Re: Selling MULTISCALE DRAGONITE adamant <t>sold 600k</t>
  11. c.o 500k by https://i.imgur.com/jOM9EPi.png Insta 1m
  12. c.o 1m by xellos15 now last 1 hour
  13. Yo.. welcome to PRO! :Sing:
  14. https://prntscr.com/b3m57o c.o 850k now lf more more
  15. Sup peeps, selling my Dratini start offering from 300k Instant: 1.2m (might exceed if someone offers more) will also accept rare shinies
  16. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <r><QUOTE author="Solo24"><s> </e></QUOTE> saw something like this on another place so took it as an idea lol.. swaggy sig XD</r>
  17. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <r><QUOTE author="Solo24"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="Solo24"><s> </e></QUOTE> Here you go bruh,<br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/C7qG8Su.gif"><s></e></IMG><br/> Gyara's eyes are glowing red and animated background with 2 separate texts moving, also the background wall glows.</r>
  18. c.o 800k by Muskot ingame, lf more Instant: 1.4m I might accept other rare shinies for it :D 18hours left
  19. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <r><QUOTE author="Rekkuza"><s> </e></QUOTE> Glad you liked it Rekk <3</r>
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