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Everything posted by Somes

  1. Re: EPIC adamant Snorlax ThickFat c.o 310k <r><URL url="https://prntscr.com/bziwjn">https://prntscr.com/bziwjn</URL> c.o 320k now</r>
  2. Re: EPIC adamant Snorlax ThickFat c.o 200k <r><URL url="https://prntscr.com/bziw7g">https://prntscr.com/bziw7g</URL> 310k new c.o</r>
  3. Re: EPIC adamant Snorlax ThickFat <r><URL url="https://prntscr.com/bzitna">https://prntscr.com/bzitna</URL><br/> c.o 200k lf more</r>
  4. Lf offers, highest offer wins it. Start offering from 200k I accept rare shiny trades and Ms, Ms = 250k Insta: 700k (snorlax) 600k (eveE) c.o 380k https://prntscr.com/bzo2j0 (snorlax)
  5. Re: S> Epic Talonflame <t>i start with 2k and 1 oran berry.</t>
  6. Happened with me a looot of times lel... Me: I can offer cash and shiny pokemons. Him: I hate shiny pkmn Me: ok i offer pure cash (offers 5m) Him: I want more. Me: ok what shall i add? Me: hey u there? Me: rings door bell Him: Closes PM Me: Daheck dude? Him: i want shiny pokemon Me: But u said u hate those... Him: No now i like it... wth dude.. lol then we traded.
  7. c.o insta: 1m5 time: will start for 48hours after 600k+ offer
  8. Welp leaving 1-2 OT's rest we bought. (#NeverBeenLucky)
  9. as the topic says
  10. Re: Dratini and Carvanas <t>hit me pm in game m8, imma offer the red server stuffs.</t>
  11. https://prntscr.com/bwi6zh price is 3 ms or 550k, wont sell below 400k or 2ms
  12. IFyou GotBANNed then appeal it here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=32 This isn't the right forum to do so.
  13. Charizard, Venusaur
  14. [glow=red]Introducing Inferno BlaZe's </GLOW><GLOW glow="red"> Shiny Showcase[/glow] [glow=red]2 x Shiny Charizards 2 x Blastoises 2 x Venusaurs 2 x Electivires 3 x Shiny Dragonites (2 Nites and 1 Nair) 2 x Shiny Hundooms 2 x Shiny Fortress 3 x Shiny Tauros 4-5 x Shiny Weaviles 3 x Shiny Pikas 3 x Shiny Chansey (1 Happiny) 3 x Shiny Heracross 4 x Shiny Staryu 2 x Shiny Ralts (1 Gallede) 2 x Flygon 2 x Togekiss[/glow] [glow=black]These Shinies are owned by Loyal members of Inferno BlaZe not just one individual. Feel free to comment on whatchu think bout it. NOTE: This collection is only about Rare shinies not common ones, those are in tons lol.. Collection is Based upon Red and Blue servers.[/glow] [glow=red]PLEASE DO NOT PM FOR BUYING THESE THE SHINIES ARE NOT FOR SALE OR TRADE![/glow]
  15. Thanks for puttin it back Dm x3 looks amazing!
  16. Heyo welcome to PRO!...
  17. Olbi :Frown: , peace hope ya'll return someday :< gl with life.
  18. Heyo welcome to PRO!
  19. BUMP will be selling it soon, c.o 500k, insta 800k.~
  20. Peanut And Butter Coated Resins!!!!!! :Smile: :Smile:
  21. https://prntscr.com/btvx8q Imma support caspar this catch rate is annoying, 139 Pokeballs 13 Ultraballs and 19 Great balls on a 1hp paralysed beldum.. my balls went out so had to kill it ... this sucks. There should be a npc selling masterballs maybe high price but meh its needed. Otherwise something like 1 masterball / week :Cry:
  22. Hello there welcome to PRO.
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