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Everything posted by Somes

  1. Re: Flea Sale~ [Max Speed Epic Comp Growlithe] <t>bump c/o on grow 200k by jacf0029</t>
  2. ah lucky lol. it's a third tier shiny probably more rarer than arca :3 gl with sale.
  3. Re: Flea Sale~ [Max Speed Growl comp/ EPIC!! Skarmory inside!!! <t>bump</t>
  4. Re: Flea Sale~ [Max Speed Growl comp/ EPIC!! Skarmory inside!!! <t>BUMP!<br/> Added Epic Skarmory for sale and adamant Heracross.</t>
  5. Re: Pokémon Tiers [2015-11-23][Currently] <t>Hehe rain teams decreasing as ppl makin counters blissey/lax/dusk for em :3<br/> Saw many usin Honchkrow's [Moxie] Sucker Punch/Superpower set.<br/> Kroko's being bought but less used.</t>
  6. Re: Flea Sale~ [Max Speed Growl comp/ Epic Jynx and more] <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/NDQcR4e.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> c/o is 140k on growlithe lf more</r>
  7. Re: Flea Sale~ [Max Speed Growl comp/ Epic Jynx and more] <t>bump</t>
  8. Re: Flea Sale~ [Max Speed Growl comp/ Epic Jynx and more] <t>Gyarados sold.</t>
  9. Re: Flea Sale~ [Max Speed Growl comp/ Epic Jynx and more] <r><QUOTE author="jacf0029"><s> </e></QUOTE> ur the c/o now.</r>
  10. Re: Flea Sale~ [Max Speed Growl comp/ Epic Jynx and more] <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/jOvNzkh.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> Current offer on gyarados</r>
  11. Re: Pokémon Tiers [2015-11-23][Currently] <r><QUOTE author="daenerys"><s> </e></QUOTE> Haah! Cleff Brothers! xD</r>
  12. Re: Pokémon Tiers [2015-11-23][Currently] <r><QUOTE author="SangkuJung"><s> </e></QUOTE> Good Point.<br/> <QUOTE author="Guali"><s> </e></QUOTE> Proffy forgot Sala added to UU cuz no items for it.<br/> <QUOTE author="taufan"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hehe, Tauf maybe it's just u usin Reli? :P<br/> Meag is RU , had a brief discussion on some pokes In-game with battlers.<br/> Made changes into UU and updated Discussion list with new pokes.</r>
  13. Re: Flea Sale~ [Max Speed Growl comp/ Epic Jynx and more] <r><QUOTE author="xyzb1f"><s> </e></QUOTE> You are the c/o :D</r>
  14. Re: Pokémon Tiers [2015-11-23][Currently] <r><QUOTE author="BhisChapzter"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ty for feed mate :3 I still hav high hopes for Hipo,Lux.</r>
  15. Re: Pokémon Tiers [2015-11-23][Currently] <r><QUOTE author="daenerys"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hmm Hippo's i wanna see more thoughts. For the moment ppl are trying to hunt good hippo's for pvp purpose maybe they'll be used soon and will be a blast!</r>
  16. Re: Flea Sale~ [Max Speed Growl comp/ Epic Jynx and more] <r><QUOTE author="leekhoasoooo"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ur the best offer mate :3</r>
  17. Re: Pokémon Tiers [2015-11-23][Currently] <r><QUOTE author="fRoDed"><s> </e></QUOTE> This ins't official since all moves/abilities ain't implemented. These are player voted list's . <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  18. Re: Pokémon Tiers [2015-11-23][Currently] <r><QUOTE author="Beast53"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks :D<br/> <br/> Well the pokes in discussion list they are to be discussed. I'd like to see what others think too :)<br/> About flygon it was in my list in UU forgot to add pic, sharp will add them to discussions.<br/> Altaria is ru for the moment, Dusk is ru i guess and about fox uu<br/> <br/> Kroko numbers increased and players buyin em now since Moxie works now .. battled like 6 different players today 3/6 kroko.<br/> Cloy numbers got decreased since lucario/arca/scizor priority boosted hits so uu<br/> about chande it was shadowtagged so it was used in numbers, but now the ability has changed to infitrator so less usage uu<br/> Hariyama i guess ur right still..<br/> vapo ru (Y)<br/> Thanks for suggestions mate :3</r>
  19. Re: PRO PvP Tiers [2015-11-23] <r><QUOTE author="irafayel"><s> </e></QUOTE> Well i din't say we have to follow this :) This thread can be used to show the current used pokes and how much are they used.</r>
  20. Re: PRO PvP Tiers [2015-11-23] <t>Pokémons from each tier might ascend or descend upon the availability of moves/features.</t>
  21. Contents: • [goto=0] Over Used OU[/goto] • [goto=1] Under Used UU[/goto] • [goto=2] Rarely Used RU[/goto] • [goto=3] Never Used NU[/goto] • [goto=4] Threats[/goto] • [goto=5] Discussion[/goto] • [goto=6] About[/goto] Tiers are, in a way, a ranking system for Pokémon. The placement of Pokémon within the tiers defines both their usage and their overall potential. Pokémon that are strong and used often will find themselves in the high tier of OU, while weaker and less common Pokémon will find their way into UU, RU and NU. [anchor=0]-[/anchor] Overused Overused, commonly abbreviated as "OU", refers to Pokémon that are most frequently used in standard play. OU status does not have to do with a Pokémon's power or ability. The Pokémon that make up OU, as with all tiers, are determined based on usage. [anchor=1]-[/anchor] Underused Underused, commonly referred to as "UU", consists of Pokémon that are not used enough to be in OU. Pokémon classified as UU are often outclassed by Pokémon in higher tiers, possibly as a result of generally lower base stats, available moves, or Abilities. Magnezone, Jellicent, Electivire, Lucario , Gliscor (will add pics sortly) [anchor=2]-[/anchor] Rarelyused/Littleused This tier is referred to as either "RU" or "LU". While the name of the tier varies, its "level" is equivalent. The tier consists of Pokémon that are not used enough to be in UU. [anchor=3]-[/anchor] Neverused Neverused, commonly referred to as "NU", consists of Pokémon that are not used in pvp. All other remaining Pokémons go here. Discussion[anchor=5]-[/anchor] Pokémons for whom tier's arn't decided [Needs Discussion] None Atm About[anchor=6]-[/anchor] Changes to the Pokémons present in each tier's will be made according to their usage in game. This Thread is meant to educate players about the current PvP Pokémon's usage. Thread will be updated with each new pokemon getting into PvP, thread requires player discussions about usage.I'd Request the PvP'ers to check the tiers and advice me changes. These tiers were made upon discussion In-game NOTE: PRO's tier is not same as Smogon, tiers here are made upon the avilability of Pokemons In-game and usage. :thanks:
  22. https://prntscr.com/95z8dh the pic will describe it ;p
  23. Re: Flea Sale~ [Max Speed Growl comp/ Epic Jynx and more] <t>Sold lvl100 gengar for 100k.<br/> <br/> Bump</t>
  24. Re: Flea Sale~ [Max Speed Growl comp/ Epic Jynx and more] <r><QUOTE author="RayCefiro"><s> </e></QUOTE> U have the best offer.</r>
  25. Re: Flea Sale~ [Max Speed Growl comp/ Epic Jynx and more] <r><QUOTE author="Koningskapie"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ty :)</r>
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