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Everything posted by Somes

  1. Re: Legendary Dogs Location :) (Entei, Suicune, Raikou) TOPIC UNDER DEVELOPMENT <r><QUOTE author="Starlight" post_id="383752" time="1494301307" user_id="44159"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Check in your bag Lava Bell, Water bell, Zap Bell<br/> <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/28045931a1404d77bac5e7b3f7aa1dff.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  2. Re: Legendary Dogs Location :) (Entei, Suicune, Raikou) TOPIC UNDER DEVELOPMENT <r><QUOTE author="PreHax" post_id="383603" time="1494263809" user_id="1120928"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Ty for info :) updated</r>
  3. Click on this button if you like the topic, would appreciate it [glow=red]UPDATES[/glow] 20% spawn rate now. If you ran away/ killed the dog, soon you will get a chance to catch em again. BASIC INFO: # You must have: @ 750hours gametime @ GS Ball @Must have seen data of 3 dogs after Rey asks you to find them NOTE: YOU HAVE TO FIND THE DOGS HIDDEN IN JOHTO REGION. You have to face them and get seen data. If you get seen data from somewhere else then it's not gonna work. # Then get your desired stone from the bell tower, Ecruteak City. In case you want to change the stone after getting it from Scientist Ray, you will get one chance. You can do it here # Go to your respective Legendary Guardian and fight them. # It isn't 100% Guranteed that you will encounter a Legendary Beast in the first battle with Guardians. You have a small chance of 12.5% per battle that they will appear. If you want a 100% GUARANTEED drop, then you will have to beat them 4 times without losing. SUICUNE How to get into Secluded Lake: Location: Lake of Rage --> Secluded Lake Suicune Guardian Team: Mega Abomasnow/ Mamoswine/ Walrein/ Suicune/ Samurott/ Froslass Guardian reward:Oshawott (4th Win Reward)/ TM Hail/ Cash upto 80k/ PP ups/ TM Scald/ TM Calm Mind/Choice Specs After Defeating boss, Suicune will start running around, block it's path and fight it for catching. ENTEI How to get into Route 25 Cave: Location: Route 25 --> Cave Entei Guardian Team: Mega Charizard Y/ Talonflame/ Emboar/ Entei/ Venusaur/ Machamp Guardian reward:Tepig (4th Win Reward)/ Cash upto 80k/ TM Flamethrower/ TM Sunny Day/ TM Overheat/ Smooth Rock/ Choice Band RAIKOU How to get into Secret Base Alpha: Location: Route 110 --> Secret Base Alpha Raikou Guardian Team: Politoed/ Mega Manectric/ Ludicolo/ Raikou/ Zebstrika/ Eelektross Guardian reward:Blitzle (4th Win Reward)/ Cash upto 80k / TM68 (Rain Dance)/ PP up/ Damp Rock Frequently Asked Questions: No, you just gotta beat the one which matches to the bell you picked. Yes you can, and you can get their respective reward drops. It isn't 100% Guranteed that you will encounter a Legendary Beast in the first battle with Guardians. You have a small chance of 20% per battle that they will appear. If you want a 100% GUARANTEED drop, then you will have to beat them 4 times without losing. Only one. No. A Special Thanks to: [mention]Fadoka[/mention], [mention]Furtifk[/mention], [mention]PreHax[/mention], [mention]NamelessHero27[/mention] for gathering information. :) My other Guide: EV Training Hot Spots.
  4. PokeElite Galladeators PikaBoo SlowBruh SqurtleSquad ZubatMan SwampSociety VelvetMons SinnohVictors
  5. So rude T_T
  6. Re: ∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO's 3 servers⎪ (Weekend event ongoing) <r><QUOTE author="Favorites" post_id="383085" time="1494157719" user_id="345231"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Hey favo :) (dolphin) il lsend u link</r>
  7. Ty ty, do i get an Best POkemon Trainer award now? :o
  8. Re: Alleviating the hierarchy from upcoming update <r>come on, like 3-4 threads were made for the p2w issue :/<br/> <br/> Read this, <IMG src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/247237285001560064/310413927747944459/unknown.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Shane isn't 100% sure bout that thing.<br/> ----------------------------------------------------<br/>
  9. Did the server crash after you caught the dewgong?
  10. Re: ∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO's 3 servers⎪ (Weekend event ongoing) <t>welcoem to new mems</t>
  11. guess Pokemon related kek should be off topic imo.
  12. Re: ∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO's 3 servers⎪ (Weekend event ongoing) <r><QUOTE author="ricky0192" post_id="382686" time="1494086404" user_id="1582377"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Will send invitation.</r>
  13. That cave was closed down cuz Mega digglets went savage.
  14. why is this topic in ggt?> o.o
  15. Oh ty! I was lookin for it from last decade :x
  16. Saw some old folks posting re-intros for new players :'3 so decided to put this up *wink* *wink* Ayyeo, Name's Somes peeps call me Somu, where do i live? 2nd most populated country of the world. Imma foodie, and i like dem Pokumun! Used to pvp a lot before but went onto collecting shinies. Currently playing on RED Server & owning near 250 shinies, with a good filled up dex and 3k+ hours adding up my alt playtime. Representing guild BlaZe (ofc the first guild :P ). Been in staff for some time as a Mapper for those who knew it was Foxys. I Joined PRO back in Dec,2014 inorder to help in testing PRO when it was in Alpha phase: Aw yus, been near 3 years kek made tons of friends and foes. Best one foreva is F00d0ka i GuEsS ThAt's hELL oF a G0oD InTr0DuCtiOn! :Crazy: Peace bois n gurls \o/, Ciao!
  17. Re: Please dont put coins to change ivs <r>I'm somewhere in the middle of the Settings :S I do want to enhance ivs but i see P2W so <B><s></s>nah<e></e></B>.<br/> <br/> More like, i think this is related to breeding? Breeding needs 2 mons while here all i see is:<br/> <br/> Someone donating some dollah in the store -> getting coin ->selling coin -> getting rich. Imagine the players donating tons of cash and selling Coin boxes to tons of players and making cash out of it. Pure P2W as people want a perfect poke.<br/> More like after this thing comes people gonna sit back and grab some boxes and start resetting stats. No offense.</r>
  18. Re: ∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO's 3 servers⎪ (Weekend event) <t>wc to new memberz</t>
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