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Everything posted by Somes

  1. https://prntscr.com/erqw61 I'm pretty sure i had a Choice scarf which i got from a Porygon holding it. I just saw the updated shane made on choice items so i went to check it, and poof it wasn't there. Were they removed? or wat
  2. Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[uPDATED Guild Shiny Showcase] <r><QUOTE author="NemesisWhip"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> Invitation sent. <E>:kiss:</E></r>
  3. near 800k
  4. Somes

    BAN all pokemon!

    um nope, your points about banning stuffs are worthless. Ask any experienced pvper :'D actually sir if you learn to read... i dont want anything banned but every time someone has trouble with something they scream BAN BAN BAN.... and morons like you are like YES ITS OP BAN IT NOW.. and im over here like ugh.... get gud hey hey brat look i know i didn't read what u wrote i thought it the other way round, but i didnt support bannin these stuffs okay, think next time before callin moron asshol
  5. Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[uPDATED Guild Shiny Showcase] <t>shiny showcase updated</t>
  6. Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[uPDATED Guild Shiny Showcase] <r><QUOTE author="digaolcs"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> sent discord invitation.</r>
  7. Somes

    BAN all pokemon!

    Let's ban you from PRO :O oh butt hurt i see... it will be okay :D um nope, your points about banning stuffs are worthless. Ask any experienced pvper :'D
  8. Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[uPDATED Guild Shiny Showcase] <t>Welcome all da new members.</t>
  9. Somes

    BAN all pokemon!

    Let's ban you from PRO :O
  10. Shelly's can reach 700k at lvl100 Drill 500k Tynamo Near, 1m Pineco 200k Timburr 400k Lileep 300k to500k
  11. 11hp um likely 500k-600k
  12. Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[uPDATED Guild Shiny Showcase] <r><QUOTE author="NemesisWhip"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> Fill up the form</r>
  13. Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[uPDATED Guild Shiny Showcase] <r><QUOTE author="whugo"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> Will be sending discord invitation asap</r>
  14. Somes

    ay lmao

    so that's where u get your shiny pokes from :P caught me ;-;
  15. Do you happen to have breloom's id? if so post it so staffs could track it.
  16. Somes

    ay lmao

    i've told the staffs to add that fish to mi acc kappa
  17. Ban em. :kiss:
  18. Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[uPDATED Guild Shiny Showcase] <r><QUOTE author="Fayline"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> Welcome to blaze :)</r>
  19. Staffs won't reset your account lol, either u make a new id and play or start on another server.
  20. Welcome to PRO! :Angel:
  21. Sad to hear you leaving, farewell my friend. Gl.
  22. Too lazy to write SIGNED! (dang i just wrote it :c) IF THEY SAY SIGNED, I SAY TOO keepo
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