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Everything posted by Somes

  1. Re: ~ ❣ Som's Art Arena ❣ ~ <r><QUOTE author="Skipo"><s> </e></QUOTE> Okay :pYum:</r>
  2. Yeah sure u'll see us ingame ;)
  3. Re: ~ ❣ Som's Art Arena ❣ ~ <r><CENTER><s> </s>Okie im starting up this new topic (basically everything is same as older topic :P ) due to some problem :P .<br/> <br/> so Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue<br/> <br/> IM BACK AT MAKING SIGS!<e> </e></CENTER></r>
  4. Hello James, Hope u'll have fun wid all of us here. :pYum:
  5. Hey Max, https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/ Use this link, make an account and then add your sig links there.
  6. No love :( reborted but i knew it already :P
  7. Hey jack, I guess its not wiki it's wikia ur using.
  8. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><QUOTE author="Jinga"><s> </e></QUOTE> You gibe mony huehuehue<e> </e></QUOTE> THIS AIN'T MONY THREAD :Money-Mouth: :Money-Mouth: so... mm.. <IMG src="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/images/smilies/xbanned.gif"><s></e></IMG></r>
  9. Lmao
  10. Awesome man.. seems u knw all bout pokaaamanas.. anyway welcome to PRO ^-^
  11. Re: Phantom's Pro Town Graphic Smithy [Closed] <r><URL url="https://prntscr.com/79vl7r">https://prntscr.com/79vl7r</URL> Happy birthday phantom :3 and ur gift is :<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/UY5NnPa.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  12. Somes

    Rare Hunters

    Agrh! Dev's goin to rebort :o :Crazy: btw Guild costs 50$ (real life) if u wish! :Money-Mouth:
  13. Yeay Amsseyyyy Poooo..... :Crazy:
  14. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><QUOTE author="EvilAms"><s> </e></QUOTE> Omgg I'm warying .. :xbanned:</r>
  15. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><QUOTE author="Julio"><s> </e></QUOTE> Keep blazing or I won't give u mony!!!!!!! :Naughty:<e> </e></QUOTE> You don't have any. :Slant:<e> </e></QUOTE> 1k</r>
  16. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><QUOTE author="darkshadow"><s> </e></QUOTE> Keep blazing or I won't give u mony!!!!!!! :Naughty:</r>
  17. This thread is meant for discussing about Android operated games n apps. My Game n App list: Clash of clans (ign -Somes) (I luv protecting my territory and destroying others.. evil :Naughty: hahahahah) Subway surfers (wish if I really could run in subways) Retro (I'm a editor) Asphalt 8 Airborne (hue hue my fav ..got a loooot of epic carrszz) And that's about mine .. What about yourszz?? :pYum:
  18. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ <r><QUOTE author="Buddha"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ofc you can buddy :D<e> </e></QUOTE> Please add me to members list if it's not too much trouble :x89:<e> </e></QUOTE> Heh ur an old part of d guild ... i've added already.</r>
  19. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <t>started recruits again :D</t>
  20. Hello there Sheori Welcome to PRO, Hope u'll have fun with all of us :D
  21. Welcome to PRO pal :3 My X Zard will kill all ur dragons *-*
  22. And I'll be the one stealing all lottery pokamans :Crazy: :pYum:
  23. Btw Why need of more chats? There is official xat, official chat, u can chat in game etc.. making more chats will be a burden upon the staffs cuz it'll be hard to manage/moderate many at a time.
  24. WOW that's an awesome idea :D Cuz in 3DS- After level 30, Inkay has the ability to evolve, but in order to successfully complete it we need to turn the 3DS upside-down when it levels and it'll turn into Malamar :D Doin the same in androis will be kewl <3
  25. Welcome to PRO mate :3
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