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Everything posted by Somes

  1. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><QUOTE author="Oliverx93"><s> </e></QUOTE> Heya man u seems to be active (lol that pill thingy) and kewl in ways :3 we'll be happy to accept you.<br/> <br/> hope u hav patience for the release cuz then we'll visit xat and can chat.</r>
  2. WB Enk :D
  3. Awesome arn :Thumbs-Up:
  4. Welcome to PRO man :D
  5. Somes

    Starter Pokemon

    well i wouldn't support cuz all will be having even pokemons then what about an epic starter? it seems me like a decent iv > 18-20.. Also, i know starters can be caught in wild at some specific locations but wheres the guarantee that those starters caught will be epic or uber? they are HR in those locations and after catching they might be useless/decent IV's aswell. So, it's better if we stick to the original handheld games starter random ivs someone might get epics,ubers and decents.
  6. Wass your real name somes ? U a spy keek.. my names Somes for real ... peeps call me Som , Sommy :P
  7. My gawd who's dis :o T_T
  8. Man wtf! give me the link i will **** him off his home for copying my work!!!!! EDIT: LOL that was me when i posted link in deviant art xD yesterday in Somesx (Deviant Art id) but thought it'd be better if posted in pro forums so deleted it... as a small proof u can click on that litleo link and then u will be redirected to DA but there won't be any author of the post cuz i deleted. XD and lol ofc i made that lilteo.. i was in skype with other staffs when i made that! heres the proof when i made it before months.. first one to see was knuckles i was staff app then. https://prntscr.com/6fgizx https://i.imgur.com/KU0wy2d.png it's legit and custom made. [iMP] PLEASE DO NOT COPY OR EDIT MY WORKS OR POST EM ON UR DA OR SOMETHING ELSE! Also Lentzy, umm scroll up in skype till u reach march 9 to 11 in TeamRevo chat u'll find there i've posted.
  9. </COLOR> <COLOR color="#FF0000">Hue hue it's Falkner i made when i was staff apprentince .. lmao so many shades! OMG this is kwaiii my first pokemon overworld sprite i made. it's Litleo! for staff app. Heh a HD version of bookshelf .. ( i made a hd gas stove and desk and fridge but they too got corrupted x.x) And maybe so of you remember my poke fusions i made on old forums. o yeah there were some other but got corrupted! So what chu think about em? :P Man i learnt art before 7 months only so i can improve (shrug) PLEASE DO NOT RIP!
  10. Hue hue why rival lol :P anyways welcome to PRO
  11. Hello there, im Somes from Jupiter, while i was exploring earth i heard about pokemon and learnt pokaman basics... then i found this game PRO (LMAO best MMO <3 ) My Hobbies: 1) Ask for mony 2) Ask for food 3) Beg for Shiny pokamans 3) Making nub sigs 4) Irritating Red 5) MAIN: Asking shane for his Bike and Mony My fav food (yum) : 1) Snake meat <<< man best food 2) Rotten Eggs 3) Karp Sushi (hope karp doesn't see this) 4) other: In my freetime i like to hack staff alt accounts to ban others (evil) thats all :pYum:
  12. ALERT!!!! HARDCORE LIE! ^ Red's alt account
  13. Hey man staph lying >_> .. i saw ur fb profile ur 8 years .. u failed in physics and burnt up ur car engine.. anyways u cant even drive.. so grow up pal or get banned :P the language u invented is? > Redlish? or Reddian? welcome to PRO and dont forget to gibe all Shiny pokemanz :D
  14. Somes


    weird panipuri (yum) i like that (keek) :Money-Mouth:
  15. Somes


    who eats food >_> all i want is ur bike and mony shane <_>
  16. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><QUOTE author="Jinga"><s> </e></QUOTE> Wait .. whut? :Gasp: u mad? u stole ma mony.. so gimme ma money and die in hell ^-^</r>
  17. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><QUOTE author="deathglory"><s> </e></QUOTE> lol ofc welcome to BlaZe glory</r>
  18. Wut? >_> Nuuu he isn't (D) mari :P See whats written under my sig :P :P :pYum:
  19. Somes

    Rare Hunters

    Ooooo Naoooooooooo :( exams r starting next month T_T
  20. Somes

    Like Post

    Hello staffs, The new forum is freaking AWESOME :D :D <3 I noted a thing: A button un top-right of the post, which is the thanks button. https://prntscr.com/7exwtg btw wont it be better if it would be like? (LIKE POST) Anyone can like a post .
  21. Re: ~ ❣ Som's Art Arena ❣ ~ <r><QUOTE author="Red"><s> </e></QUOTE> i made 2 versions:<br/> <br/> 1> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/ShgUDqb.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Preview: <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/nZEJFn2.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> <br/> 2><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/0FIi6gl.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Preview: <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/R2bEjFE.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Hope u like em.. and i can edit if somethings missin.</r>
  22. Somes


    Hopes status: ( ) Alive (x) Dead Im Hopeless too :v
  23. Re: ~ ❣ Som's Art Arena ❣ ~ <r><QUOTE author="Red"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sure Niko :3</r>
  24. Re: ~ ❣ Som's Art Arena ❣ ~ <r>Heres ur sig jack :<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/VYJobX4.png"><s></e></IMG> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/DxCJj9y.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
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