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Everything posted by Xytreh

  1. Hi there. Today I wanted to use my mysterious ticket from yesterday's WQ. I went to the isle and after I spoke with Raikou I've been disconnected... After I logged back in the pokemon was no longer here. Is there anything that can be done about it? That was really unfortunate and kinda depressing. Had to spend a while to get that ticket. Thank you in advance.
  2. Dragon's den.
  3. Useless.
  4. Need trade mod's help in finishing the trade with @Freaxx, we can't meet in game.
  5. ?
  6. @Freaxx You won the aucton
  7. Haxorus c.o 280k
  8. ,
  9. Auction started: C.O 180k by Zeroo0778
  10. Then eventually you'll get some other excuse.
  11. Yeah good luck with that. Probably too hard for scripters.
  12. Bump
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