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Everything posted by Zwirrfinst

  1. Congrats @Malltesers@Hermusdxd, pm me pls ingame, when you are rdy for trade. ign: Zwirrfinst @Hermusdxd what's your alt name?
  2. There is a maintenance ongoing. When the servers are back, they will make an announcement on Discord.
  3. There is a maintenance ongoing. When the servers are back, they will make an announcement on Discord.
  4. Yes. When the server is going online again, they will make an announcement on Discord Server
  5. Start Price: Rotom 500k, Larvitar 300k End Point: 72h after first bid Min. Raise: 100k each Insta: No Insta Winner: @Hermusdxd Rotom 5.5m, @Malltesers Larvitar 700k
  6. A few days ago I thought exactly the same. That would be great! +1
  7. Thanks, that helped. Now I can enter the cave
  8. Hey, I have the problem that I can't go into the cave to hunt the Pkmn I want to hunt. My guildmates said that I need to do the Shaymin quest to get access. The thing is, that I already caught Shaymin 2 years ago and even changed the form to sky. What can I do now?
  9. Ohh, okay. But how can some people already fight against her?
  10. Hey guys! I just finished the Santa Quest and gave him back his bag. When I did the quest, I saw some player fighting against the Shieon Boss. When I speak to her, she sais that I should leave the house but she doesn't want to fight. -How can I fight against her?
  11. Hey, I accidently released my Anorith. I dont know which one of them was the good one. Would be very nice if u could restore the 3. Ign: Zwirrfinst Server: Silver
  12. *bump* Edit: Sold, close please
  13. Auction last 48 hours after 1st bid Starting offer : 1,5m Insta price : 7,5m Minimun bid : 200k Accepted payment: Cash, CC (400k), IV Reroll (800k), Nature Reroll (400k)
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