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Everything posted by Deidara8

  1. Deidara8

    Shadow Hattrick

    [glow=red]Lovin the name, good luck~![/glow]
  2. [glow=red]welcome to pro[/glow]
  3. [glow=red]Welcome to PRO Sybil :) If you ever need a hand, feel free to ask~[/glow]
  4. [glow=red]sadly i wont have much time to play this game...[/glow]
  5. [glow=red]Looks helpful. Thanks for your effort man :)[/glow]
  6. [glow=red]Welcome to PRO :)[/glow]
  7. [glow=red]It could have been done on purpose..[/glow]
  8. Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo! <r><GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>I'm really excited about the xat. Yo Jhax, you want me to create one real fast for you?<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>
  9. [glow=red]Awww this seems like a cute guild I wish this guild all the best~ :)[/glow]
  10. [glow=red]thanks naero, tht was helpful :) ily[/glow]
  11. [glow=red]Is there any possibility that the starter pokemon could end up as a shiny?[/glow]
  12. [glow=red]alright thanks for takin your time[/glow]
  13. haha did u forget how hard the exp was in ppo rofl but that was just unbalanaced xd took me like 3 weeks to just lvl up 1 pok to 100 haha PPO coding for EXP was custom, we actually use a official formula from the real games for our EXP. [glow=red]I agree with crazyping12.[/glow]
  14. [glow=red]The main point of my topic was to have an official wiki ran by PRO[/glow]
  15. [glow=red]Thanks for pointing it out. Well, something as useful as the wiki shouldn't be hard to find (as I am having a hard time finding one, **didn't found one yet**) Here's a new suggestion I suggest that the wiki should be in one of the tabs below[/glow]
  16. [glow=red]I heard that a good friend of mine, Red, is in charge of a pokemon MMO so I thought that I'd give it a shot~[/glow]
  17. [glow=red]I suggest that there should be a PRO wiki that could guide every players The wiki could consist of the locations/rarity of pokemons, description of each items available in the game, .. (you get the point) Any thoughts?[/glow]
  18. [glow=red]If you want another "character", just create another account using the email address you used to create your current account 2. You are permitted to have 2 accounts per email address. ^That's one of the rules btw.[/glow]
  19. Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo! <r><QUOTE author="MrOsi"><s> </e></QUOTE> <GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>Remember the good old magma memories on xat? HAHA ;)<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>
  20. Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo! <r><QUOTE author="Jhaxion"><s> </e></QUOTE> <GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>YES PLEASE. You have my vote.<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>
  21. [glow=red]Yes It does However, as can be seen from the screenshot Somes posted, the HM (Flash) has a "grey-ish" color. Some of the beginners might think of it as...let's say...steel? Based on my personal experience, when I obtained the HM Flash for the first time (as a beginner), I thought that it is an electric type move (based on the name "Flash") Therefore, I agree with Somes that the types should be mentioned, making it way more clear for the beginners.[/glow]
  22. Deidara8

    Guild Wars

    [glow=red]Than the guild look for another base to take over, simple as that.[/glow]
  23. Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo! <r><GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>Hey welcome to the guild, Dreamer :)<br/> I hope you enjoy your stay!<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>
  24. [glow=red]There should be some guild tourneys as well[/glow]
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