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  1. same here, could not download the game in the main page, and i have to go to apknite to download it. takes sometimes but finally install the game
  2. i spend like 5 hours a week to watch anime. currently watching onepiece, rewatch the recent ended naruto, watch some dragon balls too. sometimes in m work, i watch some random ones in apknite app to find for the new anime to watch
  3. in this case, try out this extension. help to change any file into apk package https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/apk-downloader-apknite/jhfkhajonjafefdhilbcnpaccepkfgni hope it work for you!
  4. a guy in apknite told me to use sucker punchers to take him down, though there is many other ways to capture him. need a little stactic
  5. hello, i am steve. new to the forum. have a good day to all members of pokemon fans
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