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Everything posted by Shunsou

  1. s.o: 500k bid: 100k insta: 3m also accept Iv/Nat reroll : 700k/350k CC:400k auction will be ended 48 hours after started
  2. Discussed item: Illegal Combination Course of action: Unban Vote Justification: Pikachu within light ball it having 450 atk or 400 spatk and high speed fully trained very much classified as hardest hitter and hard to predict its spat or atk user before it using a move. in Gen 1 and 2 this pokemon able to make most damage with variant strong move like thunderbolt/punch, surf, knock off, brick break, voltswitch that can rekt slowbro togekiss steelix rhyperior donphan and many more. this is the time we can only use leftovers, lum berry, and life orb as pvp item This pokemon definitely broken. but now we already entering Gen 7 with alot variant item that pokemon can hold and already coded to increase damage/speed like scarf toge etc, even a burned conk or banded diggersby can reach 600+ atk. I have suggestion to make a vote about unban pikachu all combination except the fancy move 'surf'. maybe pikachu can swimming with Ash in pool or surf in beach but adding pikachu surf as atk move is out of logic. this pokemon definitely cant control that big wave of water. maybe can add water pulse or bubblebeam as move replacement. or maybe can do a test first if this pokemon classified broken with all it's move combination in current meta
  3. Discussed item:Sablenite, Mawilite, Illegal combination Course of action: Suggestion,Testing Justification: Mega Sableye known as best tool in stall team to control hazard for his team safety switch play and immune status moves capability. Within 3 immunities and massive bulks it also able to switch in faces most pokemons not deadly damage. Added prankster ability as pre mega its able to burn every attackers in offensive opposite even make it more annoying than everything and unbeatable within it's stall team coverage, it surely unbeatable by burned offensive pokemons Mega Mawile definitely one of most powerful hitter and can access moves that can beat its weakness, there is almost no switch in check to handle 2 hit of this pokemon. Within intimidate as pre evo that could used as pivot damage decrease back to back, or hyper cutter that not affected by any decreasing it's atk and stay at max conditon to hit with full damage, no bulky team could handle it's hit and so much deadly as trick room sweeper Curse Mega Scizor about this one, i have no idea why the main reason of ban is because original game only allow mega scizor uses curse within h.a scizor, and didnt play any pokemon mmo games beside PRO. In my vision this worthy ban as illegal combination because curse mega scizor is just unbeatable for most atk based pokemon and the decrease speed even make trick room team cant touch it. with naturally only 1 weakness, high bulks and atk also prio and regen move it need to little nerfed, and i agree with it only allow with h.a to balancing it with the rarity Here i have sugggestion about unban sablenite without h.a, and mawilite within h.a. that far i know their pre mega abilities so much broken/annoying when it combined with the mega form ability. maybe with a nerf it still become a healty pokemon on this meta. sableye without prankster couldn't able to taunt, burn, or recover from faster substitute pokemons. mawile without intimidate and hyper cutter no longer good to keep as pre mega for buff pivot. and itimidate bulky pokemons able to do check. in my vision they have so much lack of function when they losing their pre mega form abilities. and maybe worth a try
  4. S.o: 1m Bid: 200k Insta 3.2m accept reroll Iv/Nat: 700/350k CC:400k auction end in 2 days after started
  5. s.o: 500k bid: 50k insta: 1m s.o:1m bid:100k insta:2m accept reroll Iv/Nat: 700/350k CC:400k auction ended in 25 hours
  6. Bump! venu c.o 700k torkoal c.o 700k 1 hour left
  7. venusaur and torkoal started, ended in 11/29/21 00:14 Gmt+7
  8. All pokemons S.o: 700k Bid: 50k Insta: 1,5m accept reroll IV/Nat: 700/350k CC: 400k auction end 25 hours after started
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