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Everything posted by Shunsou

  1. 690k
  2. 69k
  3. Steps taken / wilds encounter for top 25 Pve Players
  4. Start : 3m min Bid : 200k no insta accepting CC: 350k end 3 days after started
  5. what about ask devs to make bosses same rule as PVP? isnt it will be hard when you cant play baton pass vs 400 evs mons? then so ppl who doing boss want or not, they know how to PVP, and they will start pvp to get the crown id give +1 if you suggest it to devs hey, peoples want smeargle back to boss
  6. 1.234.567
  7. i think you doing auction wrong, time should be extended 15mins every new bids come
  8. isnt its 24 hours auction? if still can bid then 400k honedge
  9. 369k
  10. its normal to have hundreds losses, everyone uses battle another player as free escape rope. nothing will make you looks bad because it
  11. how long ppl play imo wont affect anything if not meeting monthly requirement. just like ton ppls pvping and still cant ladder for thousand year, no reward. region etc story based, imagine not doing it and call urself a gaemer
  12. i mean, it wont be matter how many years you play if you barely play your account reward for playtime actually interesting, but atleast if you can break 300 hours a month, just like pvp rating
  13. instead keep posting wishing 10m offer. ill recommend you to auction the 2nd weavile, if you do i will start 1m
  14. i think the 2.2m bid already late around 1 hour
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