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Excavier's Achievements

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. oh thanks!
  2. im sorry i forgot to update the thread. chansey was sold yesterday for 270k
  3. WTS SO: 100K MINIMUM INCREASE: 20K INSTA: 600K DURATION: 12HOURS from first bid I have the right to cancel the auction if the offers do not satisfy me Offers cannot be cancelled.
  4. im sorry if i misunderstood but do i need the exact pokemon party?
  5. missed that exact route lol. took me hours to find it
  6. Start 500k
  7. Hi kells. Looks like you won the bid. Pm me when you're on. Same ign
  8. 25mins left
  9. 1 hour left
  10. Bump
  11. noted
  12. noted
  13. noted
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