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Thenikifreak last won the day on August 17 2024

Thenikifreak had the most liked content!


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Thenikifreak's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. 2m will transfer
  2. 1.5m will transfer
  3. 1m will transfer
  4. 500k money on thenikifreak9 will transfer
  5. Gliscor won by @Salemzeroo with 2.7m Bisharp won by @Kursatonur with 600k Alakazam won by @Mitthun24 withh 1m Swellow still ongoing for roughly 13h Feel free to contact me on forum, ingame or on Discord: thenikifreak Thank you everyone for participating so far
  6. Bump, less than 1h left for Gliscor, Alakazam, Bisharp
  7. Min bid is 200k, Which makes your bid invalid as its only 100k more than the previous bid of 2.5m B.o. is still 2.5m
  8. Bump: C.o. Gliscor: 2.5m C.o Alakazam: 600k C.o. Bisharp: 200k C.o. Swellow: 200k
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