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Everything posted by Hakaishin123456

  1. SERVER TRANSFER Username: Trishit{this heck is due to being an Indian name which means desirous and its content is s@h@i@t without @} Server to charge from: silver Change: from silver to gold
  2. Sry my discord tag is 5292
  3. #I wanna join no mercy coz I need an environment full of great players to develop #my goal is to have lvl 100 poke all #i can help in evolving pokemon and try my best to help my guildies #i have never been banned in pro #my age is 16 and I speak hindi other than english #my discord name is harrypotter)0-0( and tag is 2592
  4. IGN Trishit Age 16 yrs Playhrs 371 Indian Fav poke. Mimikyu DOB 26/10/2003 The heck before my name is coz I have a bad word in my name which is unintentional
  5. All my playing friends are in gold server but I am in silver so I want my server to be changed My ign is Trishit Waiting for positive response Thank you
  6. Trishit 371 hrs 16 age 26 Oct 2003 India Mimikyu is favourite Note:- The word heck written in my name is coz I have something bad in it which is not at all intentional And I am an active discord user
  7. IGN Trishit Playhrs 387 Age 16 DOB 26 October 2003 Favourite pokemon Mimikyu Country India Server silver
  8. Ign Trishit Playhrs 360 Fav pokemon greninja Age 16 Birthday 26/10/2003
  9. I am stopped in front of trainer Baker on route 43 and unable to get away
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