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Everything posted by Nishaa

  1. Looking for 25m I accept cc (380k)
  2. Hi, I'd like to buy shiny male/female Ralts or female shiny Kirlia, trash, good, epic, whatever. I can also trade with my tier 8/9/only one in game shinies if it's a good one. Ty
  3. Hi, I'd like to buy shiny male/female Ralts or female shiny Kirlia, trash, good, epic, whatever. I can also trade with my tier 8/9/only one in game shinies if it's a good one. Ty
  4. @Hawluchaa Hi, is there any way to force the trade?
  5. @lautyyou won, you can pm here or dicord Maurotedesco#4241 ty
  6. Sorry, lauty wins
  7. ended, onetrickpony wins
  8. c.o. 300k by lauty
  9. c.o. 250k by onetrickpony
  10. c.o. 170k by dame201
  11. c.o. 120k by Suz
  12. @JigglypuffsalotSorry, as you can see in the screenshot timestamp, auction has already started ingame, c.o. 100k
  13. Hi, I accept pokedollars and cc=400k s.o. 100k min raise 20k duration 24 hours after first bid
  14. Hi bro, my discord is Maurotedesco#4241 No problem, I can reserve the poke for you, just tell me how many days you need
  15. Hi, accepted payment methods are pokedollars, cc=400k, iv reroll=700k, nature reroll=350k Price: 1m
  16. @justbillionareDeal, i am ingame now if you want. My discord is Maurotedesco#4241
  17. Yes, I'll reserve it for you. No problem
  18. All sold in game, only Solrock lefts
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