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Everything posted by Iannata

  1. same here, i wonder if it's a bug or something..
  2. Iannata

    Dig Spots

    Just read this, and this is awesome :Crazy:
  3. Yes I found it so hard to beat bosses especially E4 Johto. But guess what, it's a MMO, the bosses (gym leader, e4, antagonist npcs, etc) need to be more difficult and challenging than the original games. Just like the amount of exp point needed to level up increase after your pokemon evolving. I understand that anyone will get their pokemon lv 100 in no time if PRO keeps up the original canon in leveling.
  4. I guess no one will have any diffculties through story as long as they read what npc says well. Specificaly in SS Anne, it just a quite narrow map, players need to be more curious, just check anything 'suspicious', and get the key to finish a quest or also find some useful items. And just like that Pluto guy said, the quest is no different from the original game. However, if the players can't find the way out, still there are so many guides to help :Smile:
  5. I'm personally enjoying Johto story, leveling up my pokemon is never be a problem eventhou need more time to get high level. If you want to beat it by your own, try to use exp booster. Rods have a decent varieties of wild pokemon and level as well. There's a chance if you grind long enough to level up, you'll meet a rare or even a shiny pokemon, that's a quite advantage. If you still feel bored, no worries, you can buy high level Johto pokemon from someone to easily beat the story, no need to get decent nature and iv pokemon with super high price, any nature and iv of high level pokemon will do. Or, if you have friends already beated Johto, just ask them to lend you one or two sweepers. Good luck :Crazy:
  6. classics always make my day :Shy: or, i never get bored in listening Live with Determination from Persona 3, one of the best OST :Crazy:
  7. Too bad I'm playing in Blue Server :confused: But still, good luck on your videos :Smile:
  8. Hello there :Shy: Welcome and Have fun :Smile:
  9. wandering around and catch some good pokemon, get a bunch of money and buy an epic shiny Wurmple :Smile: Making money in PRO is fun :Crazy:
  10. I can't use any rope in this map. Someone told me to battle another player and lose but when someone battle me I can't see any battlescreen, but he can see my pokemon in his battlescreen. I've tried to relog and closed my client 3 times but still nothing happened. Please help me. I've tried command /ref and resync button as well.
  11. I can't use any rope in this map. Someone told me to battle another player and lose but when someone battle me I can't see any battlescreen, but he can see my pokemon in his battlescreen. I've tried to relog and closed my client 3 times but still nothing happened. Please help me. I've tried command /ref and resync button as well.
  12. Welcome and have fun :Crazy:
  13. You actually only need Gengar and Gyarados to beat elite four. Like the other said, get your Haunter (evolve later) and Gyarados at lv 85+. Gengar needs Thunderbolt/Gigadrain/Psychic/Shadowball, not time to use Dream Eater I guess, and Hypnosis is only about 70 accuracy. You don't want your Gengar get hitted before able to use Dream Eater, don't ya? Your Gyarados moveset is perfect, you only need some good potions and revive, and some sturdy pokemon I guess :Crazy: Speed is super important, with your high-leveled pokemon, first attacker is the winner, so train your pokemon 252 EV Speed regardless it's an attacker or special attacker. Good luck :Smile:
  14. This is great, thank you XD And, you should add Cubchoo and Smoochum at Pallet Town because I got them once. I'm not sure but maybe their spawn in Pallet Town is super rare.
  15. I've tried to add you in game about 3 times when you online but you apparently didn't accept it. I'm currently in Johto, I was planning to give 3 pokemon to be leveled up while I'm beating Johto. I'll contact you when I beat Gym 8 Johto. Thank you :)
  16. The server seems to be down. You should check in Live Chat as well, the staff will announce server status and so many players talking there :Smile:
  17. Re: My maps ^^ <r>They look great <E>:Crazy:</E><br/> I think you should join mapping staff XD</r>
  18. I really like that Scaldin, look classy yet deadly XD Maybe I should make my own fakemon later :Smile:
  19. kinda sad indeed, but sorry I can't stop laughing at your thread :devil:
  20. Well, a liar really is doing a lot of stuffs :confused:
  21. If you want to beat story easily, pick Cyndaquil. Fire type starter doesn't have any weakness against any Gyms type in Johto, it's an advantage. And the sweeper, your best pick is Gyarados or Gengar or Both :D Magikarp is quite easy to find. You'll get a free Ghastly at Violet City, or you want to catch another one. I got a free modest Ghastly with spd 26/ spatk 30, so I don't need to spend any pokeball XD
  22. Making a good team for beating boss is good thing to do. But I, personally, want to hunt some favorite common pokemon with great iv's just like my friends do. I want to catch an epic Wurmple and train it into lv100 Beautifly/Dustox. It's so fun to show each other pokemon with max level. Maybe I'm going to hunt an epic Sentret or Zigzagoon later, because my friends are currently having their epic Ratata XD
  23. Make more video please, so many player will find it helpful if you make mission guide or how to do this and that. And subtitle is a plus :D I, especially, am not good in English so I would really appreciate if you put your words there as well.
  24. Hello, I was chatting with you in game couple days ago. You told me to check your forum thread. I've tried to contact you in game but you seems to be offline. Are you still having this leveling service? Thanks.
  25. Hello, are you still having this service? I've contacted you in game couple times but you seems to be offline.
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