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  1. Noted. Auction Ends at 1/16/2023 7:06 PM GMT+0
  2. Current offer : 20m by N1ghtmarex min bid : 500k insta : 30m end : 5 days after first bid accept PokeDollars Contacts: Discord : Geradot#3159 IGN: Geradot - Gold
  3. Thanks for all your comments guys! Enjoyed learning more about the opinion of the other side. Definetly food for thought.
  4. Can we ban one of the most annoying pokemons and most broken pokemons out there ? I cannot be the only one that hates it beyond belief. The only people that like it are probably stallers because it is a broken buff in the stall teams. But it is broken outside stall as well. Throw all the hate you want on me , i do not care, it does not change the fact that this pokemon needs to be banned. Period. If you know how to use it even a little bit then you just auto win battles. So unnecessary. You have to prepare either a whole team just to counter 1 single pokemon or a whole strategy just to counter 1 single pokemon. Yes, i am tilted. P.S. If you are a staller and abuse it do not get this personal no hates towards any of you, it is natural to do the best to win.
  5. The game is a lot better with a nice guild. -Albert E.
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