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About Jesusml

  • Birthday 01/02/1994

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Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. Re: Garchomp Sand veil in pvp <t>lol u guys cries for everything</t>
  2. pc changed already suggested 962 times.
  3. Long time ago i suggested a npc for trade back pokemon who need be traded for evo, i still think this is amazing idea.
  4. this costs a lot of money with all the eggmove
  5. Edit: already answered
  6. eternal forest has a cave go there and search the adamant orb (need rock climb) read the guide is the forum.
  7. No guard ability can hit through fly.
  8. You have to check every receptor in the hideout, is ramdom
  9. not much work, i get all pokes in less than 1 hour and 2vs6 everybosses
  10. oh come on.... really, why not just level up a poke like before. Thanks for the guide.
  11. Ty for the giveaway.
  12. sell both rare candy for 15k and get a magnemite sturdy to paralize deoxys first turn, you just need a few minutes to do it deoxys is easy.
  13. Re: Bug! Gliscor cant learn rock slide at Rock tunnel 2 !! <t>Only TM</t>
  14. 15days ragequit
  15. Re: ► Bug Catching Contest! Everything you need to know. ◄ (NEW REWARD: Genesect) <t>is genesect hard to catch? or high rate like mew/celebi</t>
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