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Everything posted by Isildurr2x

  1. C.o by pandarkenciel
  2. C.o by lavkush
  3. C.o by heroyla31
  4. You win bro, let me know when you go in game
  5. Start price 5k Min bid 5k 24 hours from first bid Accept poke dollars, cc @ 380k
  6. bump around 5 hours remaining
  7. Start 5k Min bid 5k 24 hours from first bid Accept poke dollars, cc @ 380k
  8. Speed low to be epic, also need jolly nature for pvp
  9. Need to post evidence of bid. Save trouble later. GL
  10. cant get on discord at the moment, i'm in game now though
  11. Epic poke epic auction congrats to all
  12. I agree, an auction house would seriously take pro to new heights. Forms of payment rule is also a good point
  13. Btw just fyi, the last part about transfer is invalid. Since it's in cross server, seller is responsible for delivery. You can check the rules
  14. wtb xmas haxorus mold breaker adamant or jolly 20+ in attk nd speed only pay 3-5m or dm pic with your price thanks
  15. rip, nvm. thanks and good luck
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