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Everything posted by Unknown007

  1. Locked. Same issue as here. Please follow the thread there. Thank you.
  2. Locked. Same issue as here. Please follow the thread there. Thank you.
  3. Locked. Same issue as here. Please follow the thread there. Thank you.
  4. Just check the boss every day, or every two days, you'll eventually be able to rebattle him.
  5. Ok, sounds like it was a temporary thing. Keep us posted :)
  6. Is that the first time that you are crashing frequently and so quickly?
  7. Unknown007


    This is not your fault and you're certainly not the only one :P I got it as well as DeathWing, so don't feel too bad. It will take a while though, so you'll have to be patient. 1. Create an account here: https://www.atomicedge.org/ (that can take up to 24 hours) 2. Log in after creating an account and submit a support ticket (title #pro channel, Category: General Support) with the link of this thread in the message and a screenshot of the zline message (which you already have). We're sorry for the inconveniences, but the zlining has been caused by problematic users. The IRC admin are looking into it and things should go back to normal within a couple of days hopefully.
  8. That's not what balancing is about. Balancing in pokemon is about making things so that everyone has a possibility to win with whatever pokemon they choose, within reasonable boundaries. That doesn't mean that a Bulbasaur should be able to beat a Venusaur, but any reasonable team of Pokemon should be able to fight equally well against another Pokemon team that is very popular after being balanced, thus creating more interesting matches, more possibilities and less mainstream. An good example is Clefable before the introduction of Fairy types was never seen on winning PvP teams but after the changes (an attempt by Pokemon to balance the metagame and nerfing dragons mainly), Clefable has become just as popular among teams as many others before it. No it's not and through that simple statement, you are already forcing a good part of the meta game out; hence outbalancing it. Yes, stalling can be relatively easy, but they are not infallible. They have been part of the game and players and won and lost matches with them. That's how balanced the current system is. Something doesn't need to be changed just because you don't like it, that's not the purpose of balancing. And lastly, I don't think no one will take you seriously either if you aren't putting enough effort into it. Right now, it looks like random changes to the meta, random enough to appear like you either don't know what you are doing, or you are trying to favour your own play style instead of considering the system and the players as a whole.
  9. For the intro, casting aside the 50% SpA reduction given by poison, I don't believe that either status need to be changed. They work well at the moment (at least from my point of view) and they have their own purpose. Generally they are hard to inflict, in which case, the user usually prefers using specifically status inducing moves. However, it also causes the one on the receiving end of the move a few a free turn if they can land a hit or a free switch, which can be huge in a battle. It's altogether a risk and reward thing in the end. If you can time it well, of course you should be rewarded. Secondly yes there are things that are 'random' which can make the game less about skill than and more about pure chance. That being said, this 'random' thingy affects both players (speaking only for battles where 2 players battle each other) Why the reduction in damage per turn? Do you realise that means that stallers will be stronger because of this change? Plus a pokemon with leftovers will be even more tanky because of lower residual damage. Does that also mean you want to remove the burn effects from other fire-type moves? That's something severely affecting the metagame and nerfing fire pokemon... and additionally possibly rendering Flame Body useless. Similar to burn, except for the misinformation about the SpA reduction. And what about Poison Powder, Poison Gas? And here you are giving sweepers so much buff... After that change, people would probably never use Paralysis at all because the upside of using it is so low. So many pokemon will become useless and the powerful pokemon will become even more common on the battlefield, ths encouraging only one style of playing. Earlier it appeared like you didn't want freeze to have the pokemon stand still and not do anything, which I don't see how you are improving. Giving that secondary effect to all ice types will make ice types stronger, and you will likely find your pokemon more often "stand there waiting to be unfrozen". Common damaging ice type moves that don't freeze include: Ice Shard, Icicle Spear, Avalanche, Icicle Crash. Plus why the 50% reduction in speed? The pokemon is completely at a standstill, it would only make things worse! Erm, why would you change the current way it works again? What is not good with the current Sleep that this new Sleep attempts to make better? First it doesn't make sense to reduce the speed. Second there's something called evasion clause that forbids such moves in competitive battles. Third, if I understand correctly, moves directly affecting accuracy and evasion don't work in PRO. Weather usually lasts for 5 turns, including the turn it was activated in, so the healing you speak of will leave a free turn on the field, plus one more for the healing move, so an opposing pokemon can set up or go for a KO, totally defeating the purpose of the move... May I ask why you want to make it 100%? Toxic is a very common move that can cripple a lot of pokemon if left unchecked and I don't see what you are trying to accomplish by making it even harder to deal with. Again, that comes back to; people will all start using the same thing (also poison types should be immune, as well as pokemon with the appropriate ability) This does not make Will-O-Wisp much stronger. There are a lot of pokemon with the Water typing that would become very common with that change, thus effectively making this move virtually obsolete. That doesn't change much if anything... It's not a PvP move anyway because Thunder Wave is more reliable. Accuracy is much more important, and this move rarely made it to PvP because of that. And why SpD reduction? Only Jynx line learns it... why? And Jynx is a Special Attacker by default... This move is mainly used to force switches. Being inaccurate means that it's usefulness is reduced and left in the hands of... hello RNGs. Parasect, Breloom and Amoonguss are the only pokemon that can get that move. Breloom can do without it, but Amoonguss will be pretty useless because it is pretty slow and can usually be easily countered. I don't exactly mind the increase in accuracy, or the boost in SpA, though it might be too much effort adding a half stage of stat boost to the metagame. Usually boosts occur in increments of 50% to a maximum of 300%. Most of the pokemon that have it are not that common in PvP so they might get some more love, which is always good. What is the reasoning behind those? Why does Ice Beam need that nerf and why does Ice Punch need these adjustments? Ice Beam, Thunderbolt and Flamethrower are supposed to go together, in that they are similar in all respects except typing, and same goes for Ice Punch, Thunder Punch and Fire Punch. Ice Beam is much more spread than Ice Punch, what that means is that pokemon which could keep dragon types in check will then be less able to do so, thus dragon types will become even more popular than they are right now, and favouring already popular pokemon is not in the spirit of balancing... As for Ice Punch, that would also make it harder to counter Machamp specifically, since it is one of the best users of this move. The counters to Machamp, being flying types, and with No Guard as ability, the accuracy drop becomes irrelevant. That together with the speed drop you want to have, it might be that Machamp could become the next OP pokemon... Err first of all, the critical hits do 150% the total damage, not 200%, and then no, it's less rewarding because without this change, you have 6.25% to land a critical hit without any boosts (so you are adding more RNG), and you get a damage output of only 50% while without this change you get roughly 75% additional damage. With no change STAB = 150% Critical Hit + STAB = 150% * 150% = 225% Damage increase = 75% With change: STAB = 150% Critical Hit + STAB = 150% + 50% = 200% If you did mean that it was a multiplier instead of an additional 50% damage, then it is not changing the current mechanics besides making it more likely to hit... I thought you did not like RNGs? I think the current rating system on PRO is more accurate than the system you are proposing, and is not as 'simplistic' as you claim it to be. The number of pokemon remaining at the end of a battle is not a good measure of a player's skills, plus it would take a whole lot of time for a player who just now joined the system, who is very skilled, to get to the top, which means that the system is flawed. If someone is skilled, they should be able to climb the ladder quickly with a few battles, and the current system allows that. Another drawback of your system is that it overall will remove points from the system. Yes, a lot of players join everyday, but the number that make it to the PvP system is not that much, and it will be even worse when veteran players with lots of points leave the system for one reason or another. In cases of draws, does that not mean that both players are of the same skill? Then, your system is again flawed if a draw occurs between two players of different ratings, because it's saying one is stronger than the other but the battle just determined that they are equally skilled. Records tab: Or you could record them yourself if that's the extent that is to be recorded. I don't think most players would make good use of it and it will surely put an additional burden on the game, which I'm not too keen to risk. All in all, I appreciate the effort in attempting to bring about more balance to the game, but I really would encourage you to do more research before attempting to balance something. It's no easy task and there are a lot of things to consider. If you can make several sensible paragraphs detailing how and why such and such change benefits everyone, then I think you will have a better chance to see the changes in game :)
  10. Locked. Duplicate of https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=26793 This is a known issue and is being looked into, thank you.
  11. This is not a bug. The battle art for a few pokemon (especially the newer ones, plus walking sprites) are currently missing. They will appear normally once the game artists finish them. /locked
  12. Maybe you clicked on 'Yes' (or pressed 1) without thinking/reading and it proceeded to teach one of your pokemon? Players are reminded that reading NPC dialogues is important because they can give essential hints, and in this particular case, avoid loss of money.
  13. You didn't come to IRC to find staff? Staff is not in there all the time, but most of the time. Anyway, if you made another account, I guess this is no longer a problem.
  14. Were you able to get a staff help you?
  15. Are you still experiencing that bug now?
  16. I just would like to mention that you indeed need to beat Red (boss) to access trainer valley.
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