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Everything posted by Profat

  1. IGN:Profat I should get it because my last console I ever had was a GBA :Frown:
  2. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse (Currently being worked on) <t>bump....</t>
  3. The first time I noticed this happened was in Slowpoke Well dig sites.I found a magmarizer and I was happy because I didn't have one.I open the bag and there is nothing there.I thought that I might not read it right or I was crazy. Today,I have no doubt about what I saw.I was in mineral site and I hit the shiny rock.It gave me a Hyper beam TM and I was like meh,that's bad TM but w.e.I instantly go check my bag to see and there is no Hyper Beam TM.Luckily for me I had 0 TM-Hyper Beams so I was sure that nothing was added to my bag.There is definitely a bug involved and who knows what else I might have lost because noone checks his bag every time he finds something. Obviously I don't demand any item to be given to me,I just want to report this bug and hope you look at it.
  4. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse (Currently being worked on) <t>.bump.</t>
  5. Re: Hoenn Teleport quest giving me cancer <t>Pacifidlog/Evergrande/Dewford you checked?</t>
  6. Re: selling epic timid togekiss <t>350k for togekiss<br/> <br/> EDIT:thought 100k is starting price.</t>
  7. Almost everything can be dealt with sturdy toxic/paralyze
  8. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse (Currently being worked on, updated March 17, auction on nice chikorita) <t>le bump</t>
  9. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse (Currently being worked on, updated March 15, auction on a nice togekiss 2 hrs left) <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/uK4Yp6d.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  10. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse (Currently being worked on, updated, auction on a nice togekiss) <r><IMG src="https://images.discordapp.net/.eJwVyMsNhSAQAMBeKIDPAgvYDVkImqgQWE_G3l_eHOcVzzzFJnbmsTalyrGozyIX95lbla33dtY8jiWpXyozZ9qvevNSkLTBZIx1GBxoDPAvbxN4i9ZADJCCChQLUfGlYrRJOznuJr4fOaMkaQ.IIT2OXvYUOiy3dBBtNzzPa3CQxs?width=759&height=589"><s></e></IMG></r>
  11. I am offering that
  12. Re: NEW CHRONOS (Red Server) <t>1.I am Profat and I play Pokemon since I remember myself.I am trying to be as competitive as it can be.<br/> 2.Profat/Red<br/> 3.301 hours/24 badges<br/> 4.24/Greece<br/> 5.Win a lot of tournaments<br/> 6.I can help people with my knowledge, and also make jokes.<br/> 7.no<br/> 8.Metagross,because I am a gen III fan and it's so badass in general.<br/> 9.Sure,I can.<br/> 10.Yes.</t>
  13. Re: Enforcer's shop. update 02/26/17 <t>.nvm.</t>
  14. Yes please :Grin:
  15. Budget 1m+ depends on what you show me
  16. bump for more serious offers
  17. Just make best offers,I can deny the sale if it's low.
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