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Everything posted by Brouckshots

  1. Hello! 1. My name is Paulo, my in game id is BrouckShots 2. I'm 24 years old 3. I'm very active on discord, i always read everything and respond to news, events etc.. but i usually don't have much time to just spend some time on dicord chatting. 4. I'm from Brazil 5. I've 1500+ hours played, i usually play PRO 3 times a week, somes weeks more 6. I want to become a PvP Beast, and to own a Charizard Shiny 7. I once was part of Chaos family in the begin, i was from Chornos, but a had some real life problems that made me go offline from pro... i want to be part of the guild like i once was. 8. Charizard for life, (Fire/Dragon pokemons in general) 9. I'm Dragon fan, but i presume this question is for "real" animals, so i pick a Tiger, very strong, sneak, fast and smart always looking for the perfect time to attack. dicord id: BrouckShots#9892
  2. Hello 1. BrouckShots 2. 1500+ hours played 3. Charizard for Life 4. 24 years Old
  3. Re: Epic Dusknoir. Tyranitar, Tangela <t>400k tangela</t>
  4. Re: Shabrina's Shop ~ (NEW UPDATE 15 OCTOBER 2016) <t>I buy Charizard ^^</t>
  5. 300k for the clothes normal price.
  6. Re: CHRONOS Recruiting 17+! (International Guild - Red Server) <t>Hello there, im a trainer of 20 years old from Brazil my name is Paulo.<br/> English is not my best language, I can read very well, <br/> writes reasonably but I'm terrible when I try to speak <br/> may be lack of practice.my nickname im PRO is Brouck Shots<br/> and i play in red server.I have 696h 37min and counting,<br/> i have all the 24 badges and 3 E4. In Pro im looking to cath<br/> then all and become the srongest trainer ever, no matter how much time <br/> this take! I think we both search the same thing in Pro,<br/> I'm looking for some friends with whom I can you share achievements,<br/> ask questions, laugh at a joke, build a relationship, I do not know<br/> if it's enough to join the guild but that's what I have to offer.<br/> I was in a guild of Brazil, called Demigods.<br/> I left there because all members became inactive and stopped playing slowly.<br/> All my friends stopped playing. That's it, I had no problem.<br/> My favorite pokemon is Charizard,I am in love with charizard since <br/> in the yellow pokemon in gameboy color, its look is very cool as well as his strength and agility.<br/> I also really like the Lucario but this fight and totally unfair.<br/> I dont know how to use discord, but im shure i can learn fast!<br/> I respect both rules!</t>
  7. HI! 0/ Im living in Brazil and my favorite pokemon is Charizard. I think the headset should be mine, because in my country one of this model is very expensive, we have to import from other regions, here it is not produced. I would be very happy if you won!
  8. Just want to buy the other staters in hoenn region.
  9. PRO Username: BrouckShot Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue? : Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? I activated the xp item What have you already tried to solve the problem? I tried to log out and log in again to my account, I contacted some administrators, more no success. Description and Message On the screen appears the bonus the icon in yellow, showing that this on, but I do not gain nehum bonus on experience of my Pokemon, a level Golduck 39 me of rounding around 16000 xp, with the bonus of 25% it was to win around 22000-23000 xp. I need somebody help !! Ps: I'm from Brazil, my English is not very good, sorry for the mistakes! my nick is Brouck Shots, up there not fit.
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