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About Johnnncarlo

  • Birthday 07/12/1998

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    IT Specialist
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  1. The game didn't move after I battled Urahara and I got no choice I waited for 2 mins and still, it's freezing I don't have any option but to force close the application can someone help me? or reset the cooldown time?
  2. Hi guys i am looking for epic jolly cinccino 25+ spd skill link if you have pm me or comment down below i pay well
  3. wts fastest poke in the server, epic Ninjask 31spd, speed boost and 20+ stats with pvp ready moves Price: 1m pm me or comment down below
  4. I play on GOLD SERVER Hi, can you please return this pokemon to me please? Yesterday i lend 2 of my pokemons to this guy to help him finish it, now the problem occured when after the countdown timer finishes only my slowbro was returned and the chansey was left on his storage, i asked him to send a screenshot of my poke in his inventory as you can see there are 4 images there, one is the lending happened yesterday, the other pic is the proof that he send it go me via discord and the other 2 images is the sceeenshot of him and my pokemon, he cannot return it because he just started playing johto and he cannot get my chansey to his team because he doesnt have 8th badge yet, please help me with this and return my poke, thanks. This is the link of my previous report and it is connected with this comment i made here today https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/137013-url
  5. Hi everyone, Earlier this morning in Philippine time i lended 2 pokemons for 1hr, only 1 pokemon is returned to my inventory, after my transaction, I became offline for 1 hour and only slowbro return to my pc then i fall asleep, and after several hours the chansey didn't return please help me with this issue please, here is the screenshot of my transaction earlier AND HERE IS THE SCREENSHOT OF THE MISSING POKEMON
  6. Hi everyone, Earlier this morning in Philippine time i lended 2 pokemons for 1hr, only 1 pokemon is returned to my inventory, after my transaction, I became offline for 1 hour and only slowbro return to my pc then i fall asleep, and after several hours the chansey didn't return please help me with this issue please, here is the screenshot of my transaction earlier, and here is the screenshot of the missing chansey
  7. Can I start volca bidding for 1.5m?
  8. Current offer for espeon?
  9. I agree to this, we need changes for the pokemon storage, it is really hard sorting your pokes especially when you used more than 30+ of your storage, this would really be beneficial to us.
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