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About Tro11z

  • Birthday 01/16/1997

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Tro11z's Achievements

Beast Trainer

Beast Trainer (5/12)



  1. What is your Discord tag? [Example @DiscordTag#1234] Brad | Tro11z#5244 How often do you use Discord? Was an original member of the discord and helped set it up a little bit (barely). Just came back from a break but come in and have chatted everyday so far a tiny bit. If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? Become a discord partnered server.
  2. Best of luck with your plans for your future. I'll be in chronos discord if you ever want to talk ^-^
  3. I'm gonna miss you basket :c
  4. 250k for hitmontop? sure thing babe :Heart:
  5. I want this.
  6. Updated :3
  7. Template example: ID Screenshot: Server: Red
  8. Uhh. we can discuss that after we come to a deal
  9. Umm sorry no that's really low.
  10. Please buy my pokes ;-;
  11. Sorry for the late response. Was out all day yesterday. I'll take 1.2m for it if you are interested?
  12. Please offer your own prices for these Pokemon. You can contact me on discord at Brad | Tro11z #5244 to discuss pricing as well. You will have to meet where I am at the time unless I am close and can come to you. No auctions just offer. Good luck to all and thanks for checking out my shop
  13. I have been apart of two of the biggest guilds in this game. One for a very long time, and another for a very short time as they too had the same problems as the first. These big guilds are supposed to be the ones that show what it means to be a guild and what it means to be a family in this game. These are the guilds that most people look at first when deciding which guild to join. People no longer have the bonds they used to have within there guilds. All that seems to matter to people lately is the guildladder and how many points people can give to the guild when recruited. It became disconnected fast and people who PvP'd were treated better and the others were ignored and feel unwanted. I was guilty of doing this too at one point so I'm no angel in this either. The fundamentals within the guilds need to be looked at as well and maybe some game-wide events can help that such as hunting together, or some other things people can easily think of that I can't because I'm not creative. It has to be a combination between the guild itself and some newly worked in events or areas based on what guild you are in that revitalizes the guild part of this game for many players who feel like it no longer matters. I am way against the guildladder still as it has caused much more bad than any fun it has brought to the game anyway.
  14. I'm just gonna keep it and train it up and use it. Thanks though. Can someone lock this for me?
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