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About Tetsuyama96

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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Hi there, i also tried that to no luck there :(, is there any other solution or is anyone able to help force evolve it?
  2. i tried everything, im at max happiness with it , i tried reducing it by fainting it and increasing it again, i asked for help in discord and they recommended f2 and clean reg , still did not work. I shouldn't have to go via the mysterious candy route and do this. Is this a glitch? help would be appreciated
  3. 315k gengar
  4. 300k ea for venu and gengar
  5. 225k gengar
  6. 200k gengar, 275k venu
  7. 150k gengar, 50k venu
  8. 550k
  9. 400k
  10. 355k
  11. 270k
  12. 150k
  13. hi is there any update?
  14. 250k audino and 150k zard
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