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  1. Alright im about togo online very soon
  2. @Fumalfu hi there i would like to buy the ID : 28281051 (gold server in game name xxviiqawi) (discord name xxviiqawi or Xp Nish)
  3. hi, I just wanna ask.. after receiving the unknown hat, is there a chance that the hat is not ash hat? caus i receive the unknown hat but when i remove from my poke that stole it.. i didnt receive any hat
  4. @Nigthing @buccino @Shinichan I was told by one of the PRO discord leader that this quest isnt available yet for this event.. it was available last time.. maybe they will add soon i hope
  5. You can go back to Jenson give him one more pecha berry and he will make you new secret potion
  6. I was in Jubilife City doing the trainer school quest and to get the abandoned pokemon. But after I pick it up, the blue pokeball was missing and the elekid wasn't in my team. So I went to pc and type elekid in search, but it's empty. I tried looking it in the last box where the latest pokemon should be but its also not there. I relog 3 times looking for it in pc also where the abandon pokemon is. The pokeball is still missing and the elekid is nowhere to be found. may i get it back please?
  7. Thank you trolldaddy
  8. IGN : xxviiqawi Server : Gold Pokemon ID / Screenshot : 27429099 Hi i accidentally level up my wartortle to lvl 100, please help to delevel so i can evolve it to blastoise Thank you
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