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Posts posted by Aspheric

  1. Hello there.

    This is a visual issue entirely on your end, try restarting your client to see if it gets fixed. If it doesnt try reinstalling the game instead. Waiting for an answer to see if it gets fixed. Have a nice day.

    Kind regards

  2. Hello there. 

    Thanks for taking the time to report this issue. It is a known visual bug that has to do with how the digspot NPC sprite and the mounts/bicycles interact with each other. Hopefully we will be able to solve this in the future and get a smaller NPC sprite for it. Have a nice day.

    Kind regards


  3. Hello there.


    The way @Bhimoso mentioned is the only viable way of exiting that spot without staff interference. I also checked the map myself and there is no way to stay inside that part or get stuck unless you use the same trick mentioned before.


    Kind regards


    • Like 1
  4. Hello there.


    Thank you for taking the time to report this issue. Unfortunately it cannot be fixed due to how the collision on bridges works, so unless that changes this visual issue will remain.


    Kind regards


  5. +1

    also good if can be used in pokecenter, like we did in vermilon


    This suggestion will be discussed among the Content Team, but mounts in Pokecenters will definitely not be allowed. The current water in Pokecenter Vermilion allows for water mounts but it will stay there only as it fits the summer theme and then will be removed.

    • Like 1
  6. Hello there,


    The Vermilion port is perfectly fine as it is and does not require any change. The map itself was completely remade by me personally earlier this year anyways. This suggestion has no functional purpose and seeing as there is nothing aesthetically wrong with the map currently, this suggestion will not be implemented.Have a nice day.


    Locked as denied.

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  7. Hello there.


    There are many ways from which you can tell which server you are on, as others already mentioned, if you have forgotten which one of thetwo buttons you clicked. In addition to that the server is displayed in the welcome message you receive in the ingame chat as soon as you join one of the servers. So thissuggestion has no real use. I hope I covered everything.


    Locked as denied.

  8. Hello everyone. This Megathread will serve 2 purposes.


    First of all as many of you may have noticed the old animated lava tiles may not appear correctly in the client or, when they do appear, they are a real strain to the eyes. That's why the artist team has created a new more eye-friendly tiles to replace them.

    Old Lava Tiles






    New Lava Tiles








    The second purpose of this thread is to find all hunting spots where hunting pokemon is very hard or stressful due to the small size of the grass/water spot or the small number of spots.

    Small Hunting Spot







    We would like you to report here all these cases of lava and hunting spots so they can be properly handled. Please use this format:


    Map Name
    Type of issue (Old/Invisible Lava Tiles or Hunting Spot Issues)
    Screenshot of the issue if possible.


    Please keep this thread only related to its purpose. Any irrelevant comments and replies will be removed.


    Thank you on behalf of the mapper team.

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