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About Melodica

  • Birthday 01/13/1996

Melodica's Achievements



  1. 1. What's your Player name? Melodica 2. Number of hours played? Not sure but somewhere around 350h 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Treecko :D obviously 4. How old are you? 21 5. When's your Birthday? (Optional) January Cheers!
  2. oh my godness, i have no clue how to take screenshot with my laptop... great start for application right?:D well anyway i have 552 hours played at red server, and i want some nice active group to play with:) especially now since that sinnoh came out. I dont pvp at all, maybe start at somepoint if i find nice mentor for me but, not anytime soon tho. just hunting and daycaring and exploring mostly at pro. i am also quite active at discord too :) i think thats all for now, open for questions too! oh and my ign: melodica
  3. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) #2 ♦ <t>At Red server and name is Melodica ! :)</t>
  4. wow! i have tried to draw some things with paint and mouse but theres no way i can succeed... not good drawing with computer or tablet etc. anyway but still... those are very impressive! keep up the good work!:o
  5. Welcome to pro, man!:) You've just entered to whole new level of grinding (both pokemon, and your own teeth) buying ms is my number one tip. buying ms ensures your faster money gain, and like someone already said 50% more xp, so faster levelling too. and it also gives you some exclusive places and ms only pokemons at certain places. And lets not forget the fact that more money u donate to pro staff, more motivated they'll be doing stuff for us, like updates etc. There's always help chat, with alot of helpful peeps and also those peeps who avoided banhammer and just troll chats, like in pretty much every game, dont get confused with em. respect rules and have fun, i guess thats pretty much the most important thing here:P im at red server, same nickname as in forums, if u ever need someone to chat with, im here to help! good luck //edit// "Welcome to pro, man!:)" assuming genders in 2017, sorry xd
  6. in eyes of a guy who isn't much into pvp, this game has very nice set of pvp stuff (tournaments like u said, and pvp seasons or whatever they're called) Also majority of guilds are participating in pvp stuff, and has their own pvp tournaments from time to time. i was actually kinda surprised that how much pvp stuff this game has ,and how popular it is in here. and not tryna advertise pro, just telling my opinion. i can almost promise that u wont be disapointed about competitive side of this game! gl man!:)
  7. 1. What's your PRO nickname & how old are you? - Melodica & 20 2. How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? - Somewhere around 130 hours, cant remember the exact amount, and i have 19 badges! 3. What is your ingame hobby? (farming, selling, pvp) - Dexing mostly, but also Trading/selling/buying :) 4. Why would you like to be a Karp? - I want to find nice, active guild:) Goofing around guild people is too much fun also :D 5. Are you able to visit our Discord server? - Yup! 6. Is English your primary/secondary language? - Secondary language, but no worries i was awake at english classes:P
  8. I think my first shiny encounter was when i was playing ruby, with game boy advance. And it was poochyena i think, at the route next to petalburg city:P Well, i was just like that "pppfff, bugged little poochy." killed it and my friend googled that at the same time and explained to me that it was shiny poochy, and how rare that thing is. i sometimes still wake up middle of night sweatting with that little poochy picture in my mind.. tragic story indeed
  9. this is really hard one :o 1. Dragonite ( flying, migthy and powerful dragon poke ) 2. Arcanine ( Fast and so majestic looking ) 3. Ho Oh ( well legendary flying one ) 4. Sceptile ( Just like it so much :D ) 5. Zubat ( They are so annoying that i just would want to annoy other people :P )
  10. well, in my opinion not that bad. waiting few minutes is worth of the pleasure that pro will give me:P positive side is that queue times aren't that long anymore, thanks for yellow server. (remember when i was 1500th in the queue few weeks back) And also other positive side is that forum activity raises while waiting for entry to server :) //EDIT// And yeah also like someone already said, i play at the times when there's usyally aren't that queue:)
  11. Cubchoo! I saw cubchoo for the first time actually while i was playing pro, i started hunting for the ms pokemon at seafoams ( whitch i knew that it was cubchoo) well and never found one. crushed my soul :D Then got into johto and was thinking that maybe i'll catch it here, and boom! safari zone gave me cubchoo after 25k spent on safari zone :P However cubchoo, is so small tiny little teddybear, so cute and adorable, and suddenly it evolves into extremely angry looking polar bear:D when i evelved my cubchoo i had actually no idea that what will it be :P And my avatar and signature might tell, that i like also treeckos:D yeah, they are amazing too
  12. 3/10 bad ivs
  13. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting] <r><EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Name / In Game name : Melodica<br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Hours played : 60 hours (and 1 minute:D)<br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Where are you from ? : Finland<br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> What's your playtime / How often do you play PRO ? : well, now i have all the time in the world so i am online alot. Pretty new in revolution, but played pokemon's since age 5 or so:D so i know thing or two about these things.<br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Why do you want to be part of Reborn ? : I want to be part of nice community, and most of all active community! i like to play with other people, and guild full of nice people would be amazing!<br/> <br/> I hope you guys have space for one melodica in your guild! i can assure you that i'm nice addition to your guild:P<br/> Thanks for reading and if you guys want to add me as a friend ingame, go ahead! always space for new gamebuds:)<br/> <E>:thanks:</E><br/> <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  14. eah im playing at blue server at the moment, too badthey're down atm tho:/
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