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Everything posted by Quanle92

  1. started.
  2. I think I can do 400k :Angel:
  3. MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest: Daenerys Friendliest: C9blastoise Funniest: Blazer001 Coolest: Gunners Comeback Player of the Year: Buyshinynair Most Talkative: CobraMK Most Trustworthy: Alain30 Most Helpful: Imhanjoo Most Missed: Sheila Most Influential: Daenerys Most Intriguing: Plasmavortex STAFF CATEGORY Best GM: Mapplle Best CC: Shaui Best MOD: Mytantspider Best CS: Artoriel Best Artist: Varda Best Mapper: Tiggus Most Professional Staff: Mapplle Most Friendly Staff: Darkphase Most Dedicated Staff: Shamac Most Honorable Former Staff: Rekkuza
  4. thank you ^.^. Bumping again.
  5. I take insta
  6. Bumped, added 22+ all pawniard.
  7. Re: Quanle92's Shop (Price added to epic mons) <t>bumping</t>
  8. Re: Quanle92's Shop (Re-open + update with a lot of epic mons) <r><IMG src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/375487177385181185/385214638549106700/image.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  9. Re: Quanle92's Shop (Re-open + update with a lot of epic mons) <r>Thank you to the random bumper <EMOJI seq="2764">:heart:</EMOJI></r>
  10. bumping.
  11. Re: Quanle92's Shop ( update 10 / 10 , added 9 hippos) <t>going to update the shop soon</t>
  12. me, guildless right now , :thinking: lmao. bumping btw. xD
  13. bumping :)
  14. So I currently leave the game for studying, but ridiculously one of my class required me to make a video and it will be graded based on the views that I got by November 25th. Here is the link for my video : On top of that , if my video can go viral by November 25th (let just say from 8 - 10k views), I will give away my entire shiny rain team to a lucky player. *Note: You need to watch at least 45 seconds, so it can be counted as 1 view. Thanks a lot for your help, I greatle appreciate it. Here they are:
  15. [mention]TR3Y[/mention] [mention]xrevolutionx94[/mention] [mention]xrevolutionnx94[/mention] @[mention]An1ma[/mention] [mention]Suhuzen[/mention] [mention]Shamac[/mention] [mention]Mapplle[/mention] [mention]Lucareus[/mention] [mention]MutantSpider[/mention] I'm sorry for the tag but please halp :(
  16. <----- Quanbae and his shiny rain team xD.
  17. Bumping. [mention]envymeister[/mention] [mention]ProDex[/mention] [mention]TheAkalli[/mention] [mention]Koujaku[/mention] please help me to re watch it again, this time its a PvP video.
  18. Re: I need help from the entire PRO community <r><E>:Frown:</E> thank you guys</r>
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