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Everything posted by Quanle92

  1. Me, bumping for my beloved guild. :heart:
  2. Re: Careful Contrary Malamar full trained <r>360k <E>:kiss:</E></r>
  3. about to make another meeting with @[mention]charmander1[/mention] next week :heart:
  4. Re: Mieons Animated Art Shop! (◕‿◕✿) <t>me , bumping for this sweetie's shop. \o/</t>
  5. Re: Chronos ( Red Server ) <r>Me just wanna bump for this ridiculously op guild. <EMOJI seq="2764">:heart:</EMOJI></r>
  6. its a niceshop bro <3 good luck on the selling,
  7. Offer me. Due date and insta will be set later. start bid: 200k insta : 600k
  8. Re: Quanle92's Shop (update Sep 12th , Cool stuffs with cheap price) <t>Bumping , Shop is updated</t>
  9. Re: Chronos ( Red Server ) <r>Some kinda bumps are going on. xD <EMOJI seq="2764">:heart:</EMOJI></r>
  10. I dont have one but there are some details that I can give you. Shiny clefairy approximately costs around 200 - 400k depends on nature and ability and ivs (and the cost may increase if epic). Besides, Rmt (real money trading) is not allowed in this game, you will be suspended permanently from the game if you do so. Good luck on finding one mate.
  11. the seller has been looking for you and sending you a pm via forum.
  12. Re: WTS Shiny Florges <r><QUOTE author="President" post_id="440832" time="1505094195" user_id="267381"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks for your offer, i will think about it. But for now i need cash <E>:confused:</E> <e> </e></QUOTE> I know right? XD anyone of us is short of money now, otherwise Ima put some money in the offer.</r>
  13. Re: Chronos ( Red Server ) <t>This Topic has been bumped. Lmao</t>
  14. Make sure you choose the right server to log in. :Smile:
  15. Re: Quanle92's Shop <t>bumping.</t>
  16. Re: WTS Shiny Florges <t>If you interesting in trade with shiny weavile shiny pilotied calm h.a shiny kingdra timid swift swim hp fire and shiny Amaura, hit me up. Otherwise good luck in selling bro.</t>
  17. 125k from me
  18. Re: Chronos ( Red Server ) <r><QUOTE author="ToudouKirin" post_id="440189" time="1504923844" user_id="423074"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ay yo ma please check you pm xD</r>
  19. Re: Chronos ( Red Server ) <t>Welcome.</t>
  20. you got the b.o one day left.
  21. The auction will last for 2 days. Sorry for the late reply. I actually sell these for my friend yumeji and the shinies are with her Ok so do i still hav the bo sure you do bro and I already noticed the seller
  22. The auction will last for 2 days. Sorry for the late reply. I actually sell these for my friend yumeji and the shinies are with her
  23. - For Tauros: Start bid: 500k Insta : 1.5m -For Starmie: Start bid: 2m Insta: 3.5m Rules: No fake offer, No Cancellation, black ms = 225k , ms 30 days = 450k . Thanks and happy bidding. Pm Yumeji in game .
  24. sowwy :sob:
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