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Everything posted by Quanle92

  1. Re: Wts some hippotrololololotas <r><QUOTE author="GhostMaster" post_id="449816" time="1506887815" user_id="20762"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sure bro the auction for 1st hippo is started now for 2 days and you got the best offer so far. I will soon put the counting clock in this post for you to keep track and also you can add my discord tag (in my signature) so I can keep you updating. Thank you for your bid.</r>
  2. Re: Wts some hippotrololololotas <r><QUOTE author="smokerog" post_id="449760" time="1506878245" user_id="1696165"><s> </e></QUOTE> I received many offer in game for cc/500k for the 1st hippo, I'm looking for offer around that to start the auction for it.</r>
  3. price: 200k price: 350k Send me offer. Fake = report. Auction will start for 2 days after a b.o is made. cc = 450k. Thanks and happy bidding.
  4. Re: Sep. 30th>>PvP ready & PvP possibles <t>ima take the venipede :3</t>
  5. lemme bump real quick. lmao :heart:
  6. Bumping Trololololo.
  7. ayyyy I got chu
  8. got cha
  9. Re: Quanle92's Shop (update Sep 12th , Cool stuffs with cheap price) <t>bumping.</t>
  10. I'm kinda need it some how to make a team pvp, if you need its for collection there's a ton of them :D. @Simofotu I'll do 700k I guess
  11. sounds interesting, can you add me on discord first? We will discuss further there. The discord tag is in my signature below.
  12. 500k on the clef to start with :heart:
  13. Some spots still available, come come come !!!
  14. Re: REIRRAC'S INSTA SHOP (!!! BIG Update !!!) <t>I wanna take the 2nd magnemite 31 speed 28spatk</t>
  15. Re: Quanle92's Shop (update Sep 12th , Cool stuffs with cheap price) <t>Me bumping for my own shop lmao</t>
  16. Re: Jaccard1 Insta Shop!! [Re-Open] updated <r><QUOTE author="jaccard1" post_id="446184" time="1506202122" user_id="387373"><s> </e></QUOTE> sorry quan </3<br/> <br/> But boldore only for insta, because is really epic (and i buy time ago for 200k xD) <e> </e></QUOTE> Not a problem save that one for me I may wanna try it out</r>
  17. Re: Jaccard1 Insta Shop!! [Re-Open] updated <t>Hi jaccardbae, can I offer 150k for da boldore?</t>
  18. me, bumping for my guild.
  19. something I got.
  20. Re: Quanle92's Shop (update Sep 12th , Cool stuffs with cheap price) <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/RuGF9xr.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  21. Re: Quanle92's Shop (update Sep 12th , Cool stuffs with cheap price) <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/GZ8aoXI.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  22. Re: Quanle92's Shop (update Sep 12th , Cool stuffs with cheap price) <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/qB9GtPz.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  23. NPC: Quanbae Pokemon: a team of 3 shiny Hoenn starters: Blaziken, Swampert and sceptile Dialogue: I'm a simple man, I see shinies , I shoot offer. Player response: Trololololo.
  24. We are in Red server. :Grin:
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