Re: Wts some hippotrololololotas
<r><QUOTE author="GhostMaster" post_id="449816" time="1506887815" user_id="20762"><s> </e></QUOTE>
Sure bro the auction for 1st hippo is started now for 2 days and you got the best offer so far. I will soon put the counting clock in this post for you to keep track and also you can add my discord tag (in my signature) so I can keep you updating. Thank you for your bid.</r>
Re: Wts some hippotrololololotas
<r><QUOTE author="smokerog" post_id="449760" time="1506878245" user_id="1696165"><s> </e></QUOTE>
I received many offer in game for cc/500k for the 1st hippo, I'm looking for offer around that to start the auction for it.</r>
Re: Jaccard1 Insta Shop!! [Re-Open] updated
<r><QUOTE author="jaccard1" post_id="446184" time="1506202122" user_id="387373"><s> </e></QUOTE>
sorry quan </3<br/>
But boldore only for insta, because is really epic (and i buy time ago for 200k xD)
<e> </e></QUOTE>
Not a problem save that one for me I may wanna try it out</r>
NPC: Quanbae
Pokemon: a team of 3 shiny Hoenn starters: Blaziken, Swampert and sceptile
Dialogue: I'm a simple man, I see shinies , I shoot offer.
Player response: Trololololo.