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About Pennmertens

Pennmertens's Achievements



  1. Hi, I'll buy the Black Volcarona (max spd) for 300k. Discord: PennMertens#8732
  2. Hi, I'll buy the cloyster for 120k. discord: PennMertens#8732
  3. Okay I'll buy. ign pennmertens, discord PennMertens#8732
  4. I'll start on conk 3 (ha) EDIT: sorry just realized this is gold server
  5. I'll buy the 70k tangela (sassy, ha, 29 atk) and 70k drilbur (jolly, ha, 24 atk)
  6. ● What's your Name/IGN? Pennmertens ● How old are you? 24 ● Are you active in Discord? Kind of, since I'm online only while I'm gaming. ● Where are you from? USA ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? Current playtime is 215 hrs. Playing at 20 hours per week recently. ● What's your goal in PRO? Aside from catching them all, I just want to build fun teams, beat bosses, and explore what this game has to offer. ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? The OP piqued my interest when the thread got bumped. The reward system is a creative incentive to keep players going, and at the same time provide a service economy. This is the kind of thing I enjoy in MMORPGs. ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Quite fond of Squirtle - you never forget your first. ● What's your favorite animal and why? Cliche but dogs because I have one so she's forcing this answer on me.
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