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Everything posted by Shadowbeast56

  1. Oh cool....My typing died in viens
  2. I.e. i will give 6 sitrus berrys to bankman and take the karp And then switch the server and take 6 berrys from u and gib the karp ..... Above all this i can only complete trade the trade after next 12 hrs and will try only once... ____ Rest up to mods ____ (THIS IS MY ALT MAIN ACCOUNT : @Darksoul56 ..... for some resons my alt has more playtime xD)
  3. I can act as a delivery agent if staff allow
  4. Anyone who can come online now(if you come pls play for 30 atleast...)
  5. @Lolurface u won luppony for 500k @Isildurr2x u won bidoof for 100k @Pomelos u won zubat for 100k (Its me @Darksoul56using my alt as my signature says) . . . Also i would like to close all auction
  6. If 400k Then ok
  7. I will buy excadrill and slowbro For hallow mask +100k
  8. Everyone can put there offers but it's on me that accept or not Payment method Cc=400k Iv reroll =700k Nat reroll =320k Shiny mount=250k Normal mount =100k Sword,sheild,angel wings=600k Note : If u hve iv rr and u want offer me 500k/c then I will return him/her 200k/y
  9. Payment methods Cc =400k Nat rr =320k Iv rr = 700k Pokedollar $$ Auction time 3days after s.o C.O 800K/2cc BY TROLLRAH Min raise 100k Thank you
  10. Hey I won the rotom auction @ pitroipa
  11. How much time is left of rotom And also inform me if someone raise Discord I'd ANUJ☆SHADOWBEAST56#7278
  12. I buy both Rotom bid 500k Vanilluce bid 5k
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