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Everything posted by Namanh

  1. Suicune level 30 ID: i dont remember Sever: gold Ingame: namanh I release it for recatch by boss nikola. But this is is second time so boss not work. Pls help me restore, tks.
  2. I think this second time, I even dont remember when I have roll it first time with nikola :D. Btw, tks.
  3. I can't challenge nikola after 21day. I release suicune and challenge nikola to recatch but boss nikola not work. Please help, tks.
  4. Player name: Namanh Showdown name: Hahahahaa Server: Gold Timezone: GMT +7 Rank on ladder: 10th
  5. Player name: Namanh Showdown name: Hahahaha Server: Gold Timezone: GMT +7 Rank on ladder: 21th
  6. Player name: Namanh Showdown name: Hahahaha Sever: Gold Timezone: GMT +7 Rank on ladder: 13
  7. Player name: Namanh Showdown name: Hahahaha Server: Gold Timezone: GMT : +7 Rank on ladder: 15
  8. Player name: Namanh Showdown name: hahahahaa Sever: Gold Timezone: GMT +7 Rank on ladder: 11
  9. when this topic close?
  10. 1m2 go
  11. Accidentally released my breloom ID: 35934868 Server: Silver A restoration would be much appreciated, thanks in advance!
  12. IG: Namanh Sever: Gold ID PKM: 35916897 (Vulbaby) , 35935310 (Timburr), 35935277 (Hapini), 35935313 (Timburr), 35935280 (Mantyke), 35935310 (Golbat). Problem : I need to delevel of 6 pokemon to lv 99 so that I can evol them, thank you.
  13. start careful komo
  14. Hi,did I win the auction ?
  15. SOLD 3 Chansey. Tks guy
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