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Posts posted by Maisa

  1. No problem man, thank you again for taking the time to report. I'll lock this thread now, always feel free to make a new one if any other issues arise. 

    Have a great day!

  2. That's good to know. This is actually not bugged, but is intended. You were top 25 last season, 6th place, so server transfers are free for the entire month, with a cooldown of 1 hour, as stated here: 




    I hope that helped you out. Please let me know if I can assist you any further or if you have any other questions.


    • Like 1
  3. Hey there @Justbillionare


    Thanks for taking the time to report this bug. Before going further and forwarding this issue to the relevant party, I just want to confirm a few things.


    Is it possible that you misunderstood how server transfers work? To give a quick explanation, every user has a free server transfer. Once used, the free server transfer has a 1 month cooldown. During this 1 month cooldown, you may pay in order to transfer again.

    Is it bugged to where you can server transfer any number of times for free?


    Looking forward to your reply.



    • Like 1
  4. Hey @Maldiano


    To build on what Riegnhard and Wakaranaii said, the first time you defeat Entei Guardian, you have a 33% chance to spawn Entei. Second time you defeat him you have a 66% chance, and the third time guarantees an encounter.


    Hope that helped.

    • Like 1
  5. That's great to hear. I'm happy I could help. 

    Since the issue has been resolved, i'll be locking this thread now. If you have any other issues, please make a new thread.


    Have a great day!

  6. Hi @Kamikage


    Sorry for the inconvenience.


    This is an occurring bug that occasionally happens. To fix it, try reducing the happiness on your Pokemon, done easily by having it faint in battle, restart your client, make sure its happiness is back to 255, wait until it's nighttime and trying again.


    Please let me know if it worked for you.

  7. Most of your trades are between your main account and your alt. Your most notable trades involve a Ralts, Jolly Heracross, Shiny Torchic, Wingull, Bagon, Jolly Aerodactyl to Belzebel, which all seem to have been borrowed. There was a Careful Snorlax traded to Smooge on June 28th, but that's all.


    Can I help you with anything else?

  8. Hello @Philly04


    Sorry for the inconvenience. 


    The Dive Mask only works if you have the Dive HM, which you can get from Steven at the Space station after defeating the Mossdeep City gym. Checking your account real quick, it doesn't seem like you've gotten the 7th gym badge yet. Can you please confirm this for me?


    Looking forward to your reply.

  9. Hi @Sagar627


    I've restored a Seadra. It should now be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please tell me if that's the right one? If it isn't, that was the only Seadra with 31 spd and 30 spatk with Modest and Poison Point.


    Looking forward to your reply.

    • Like 1
  10. Hi @The1king


    I'm sorry for the delay and the inconvenience. 


    Are you still experiencing this same issue, or has everything been fixed? If you still are, can you tell me more about it? Are you not able to login at all, or can you but not for long?


    Looking forward to your reply.


    • Like 1
  11. Hi there @Thegattz


    Checking your Silver account, it seems you still have both your Summer Rattata and Shiny Rattata. It should be in your PC. Can you confirm that it's the Naughty natured one at level 13, and the Modest level 6 one for the shiny.

    Your Pidgey is also in the PC as well. Level 29 with a Serious nature.

    You also have a Shiny Geodude and Meowth, all on Silver Server.


    Do you mainly play on Silver, cause it looks like you have more hours there than Gold.


    Looking forward to your reply.


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