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Everything posted by Fetxize

  1. someone can close this post?
  2. sold insta 30m by glogs
  3. c.o 20m by basilisgountis 5day(thursday 2april 23h GMT+1) left insta 30m min bid 500k i accept : cc : 400k/each ms 15d : 200k/each ms 30d : 400k/each ms 60d : 630k/each
  4. could you please lock the thread
  5. I don't know how to do this
  6. He offered, but hasn't paid yet.
  7. Post transfer gold to silver sold c.o 20m by Jorogumo 5day(Thursday 1st April 12h gmt+1) left insta 20m 500k min raise
  8. I would like to know if it was possible to put it on silver, I just switched from gold to silver. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/147009-url
  9. Do you know when he'll be online? jorogumo
  10. rotom sold insta 1m by silverage
  11. I'll be careful next time
  12. sold s.o 400k 48h left insta 800k
  13. No, I agreed before I saw his message.
  14. yes add me: Valentin#9547
  15. c.o 13m by Basilisgountis 5day(Thursday 1st April 12h gmt+1) left insta 20m 500k min raise
  16. pc this pls hp ground
  17. 4poké of geomine
  18. edit: I misread the instructions. I didn't realize it was only for the ladder's top 25. Player name: fetxize Showdown name: fetxiz Server: gold Timezone: gmt+1 Rank on ladder: /
  19. hello i'm fetxize of TornadoRaiders I'd like to offer you my daycare services. I offer level up, ev train and an eggmoves service I would take an average of 40m-1h to make a poké more if it's a tank My price for ev train is : 30k/each for swepper 252atk/252spd/6 , 252atk/252hp/6, 252spatk/252spd/6, 252spatk/252hp/6 or mixed 50k/each for tank 252def/252hp/6, 252spdef/252hp/6 or mixed for the level up I'd take an average of an hour My price for level up is : 50k/each for a swepper (charmander riolu, larvesta ect...) 70k/each for a tank (happiny, ferroseed ect...) My price for eggmoves is 20k/each for contact me : ingame : fetxize discord : Valentin#9547
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