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About Quangdtq

  • Birthday 10/01/1994

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  1. I wtb manectic
  2. still vailble?
  3. I and some others on discord got same problem. Hope this will be fixxed soon
  4. I think GI shouldn't be accessable all the time. Just some days in a week or 2 week in a month is fine. I think that makes people crave more guild islands and being able to hunt rare pokemon becomes more valuable.
  5. For Manectric Quest, i used Metagross with Choice Band as item. I have finished the race in 118s (sadly i forgot capturing the screen in joy winning the race ) *Nature: Adamant *Move set: - Rock slide for Shedinja, Shuckle (1 hit if full trained EVs on atk) - Earthquake for Blissey (1 hit) ; Steelix (2 hits) - Bullet Punch for Ninjask, Alakazam ( 1 hit) - Zen headbutt for Heracross (1 hit and hope it not miss because Heracros will attack with Pin Missle. That takes a lot of time) *Dont use Mega Metagross. The graphic when transforming takes very much time. *Must have Rock smash tool and Cut tool. *You MUST avoide 4 NPCs to minimumize the time racing. 3 first NPCs and the swimming NPC can be surpass without fighting.
  6. It has returned to normal and I don't know why. Anyway, everything just fine now.
  7. Hi team, something really weird is happening to my account: quangdtq - Server Gold. I was on the Medusas Cloud, doing Frillish quest. When i spoke to a Frillish, my account screen suddently became super slow in any moving. Anything seems normal, just the speed of everything on the screen just like 0.1% as usual. Event when i logged in "quangdtq" on mobile, same problem. But when i tried to logged in with my other account, the account was fine. I have relogged in, restarted the computer, uninstalled mobile app and re-installed it but nothing change. I dont know what is happening here. Am I banned or something? Please help! If you need any further information, please tell. Thank you so much!!!!
  8. I see thr problem. I dont have any other question. Thank you!
  9. That makes sense. Cuz as I recall, I got defeated with some NPC at that place about a week ago. I will try with some more NPC and confirm back.
  10. For more detail: I used Smeagle as a False Swipper to level up my Sawk. After my Smeagle fainted, I sent Sawk to the field and finish pkm of an NPC (who is swimming at sea near Fushia City). My Sawk did not gain any exp and EVs points. I tried to fight with other NPC and got the same result. For futher infomation. This is a re-batle NPC. So, I think this is a bug. Please check! Many thanks!
  11. Me too. No worry.
  12. Thank you Mod! It's so nice that you typed a lot for me solutions. I will do as you say. The second idea is possible for me cuz i have friend can do that. Thank you again!
  13. Thank you about the info. But i've not yet become Kanto Champion. And Arcanine is quite important in my team to challenge the E4. I can't wait till defeat Naero ^^
  14. She - Not he ^^ And her ID is: 40215724 Server: Silver Are there any ways to do this? If there're not, I'll be fine :D
  15. I didn't know that when envolve my Growlithe to Arcanine, my Arcanine can not re-learn old moves that have learned when he was a Growlithe. So i need to turn my Arcanine to Growlithe to re-learn old moves. Please help me! Thank you!
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