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Everything posted by Puffthedragon

  1. Yes, I agree that Batman was the best part of the movie. I thought the scenes between Superman/Clark and Lois had too much cheese and it felt like they tried too hard.
  2. Damn, I see a lot of you guys with the 970 GTX, I currently have a 650, but I plan to upgrade to a 970 soonish. I also need to buy a bigger case and transfer my current rigs innards to the bigger case. .
  3. What did you like about it and what didn't you like about it?
  4. Yes, apparently it is his son and that might explain why he is the way he is. Here is a picture of his from the Death of Superman comics I knew they were going for the whole Death of Superman scene and it made even more sense why Lois was in the middle of battle also but yea, I agree, it wasn't great, but it is definitely not as terrible as critics say. I agree with you, a lot of the scenes were rushed and a lot of people say that the movie was too long and that it didn't need all these parts. But the 'extra' they were talking about sets up for later movies and it also has a ton of cool references to comics. I saw Frank Millers batman inspiration, injustice: gods among us, and the death of superman in this film. A little bit from crisis on infinite earths/flashpoint, but we'll have to wait and see on that one.
  5. What are your thoughts on the new movie that has been receiving mixed reviews? I'm absolutely obsessed with DC and I have a ton of thoughts on the movie, but I would love to hear what anyone else has to say. Personally, I rate it a 8.5/10 and I will go more in depth once some posts roll in.
  6. Yeah, I'm surprised that it took an admin to say that. It's pretty obvious why there is a queue and an afk timer. OP said there is no excuse, but the reason ('excuse') is because if there isn't then the queue timers would be even more enormous. Also, you cannot compare games that are as different as the ones you have mentioned. I mean, you can, but it won't be that accurate at all. Like the admin said, it would be more reasonable to compare this game to other Pokemon MMO's, but in my experience PRO does a decent job, definitely in the upper percentage.
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