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Everything posted by Mendoksei

  1. yeah, but obviously /draw or not ready is seems useless cuz people still uses q & g
  2. I'm suggesting a PvP matchmaking system that prevents being matched against guild mate, by considering: Mostly PvP players are from top 10 guilds. if all maxed we got 1k PvP players. wow that's huge, but why we get matched to same guy every time? or some times timed out? we knows PvP guild uses Q & G, so it's just 1 player per guild in queue plus guildless players. But, if the system prevents guild mates matched in PvP, and allow multiple queue per guild, i think u won't timed out or faces same guy over and over. well, that's is just my opinion, it's possible or not to code i hand it to staffers. thank you, so lemme see what u guys think about this?
  3. Firstly, PvP coins holder will think hundreds time b4 purchasing a mount instead of rerolls that more needed in the market, i don't think they'll sell it for cheap cuz it's hard to get and buyer wont buy that unless they really want that mount. for reselling things, this isn't a good business as example both PvE or Coin Shop get the price cut. Furthermore, shiny salamence goes for 2-3m and people rarely buy it considering the price and it's PvE Which is more easy that PvP coins. I know what u mean, i got my lugia mount buy struggling PvP in a season. I'm not selling it for cheap. but i feel betrayed seeing PvE stuffs more attractive and i think it got more cool stuff than PvP.
  4. Well, we got some cool new mount and cosmetics for both PvE and Coin Shop. Sadly PvP cosmetics looks so boring right now, same clothes with just different colors. and think a hundreds time before purchasing PvP mounts that can't be traded. and recycling it for half price not really a big deal. So, i would like to suggest same cases for PvP cosmetics/mount to be able for trade, at least its change monthly like tz clothes etc. thank you
  5. +1 also good if can be used in pokecenter, like we did in vermilon
  6. Well, this kinda unaceptable, but let just make it harder -the 5 or maybe more or less should ur ot and 20+ on all stat (prevent alt account/trade) -1 year cooldown or less or more -all should be tier 3, 4, 5? or higher, but the 1 need to be repaired tier 1 is okay
  7. for upcoming mega
  8. this is 32 hours auction after first bid was made s.o : 4m min bid 100k insta : added later take cc : 350k reroll : 700k thank u, have a good day
  9. i read in prowiki walkthrough for pinkan islands quest that we can battle giovanni by entering pinkan islands cliff after beating 3 hidden grunts in pinkan islands forest. i did beat all the three but the guard still not allowing me to enter the cliff, please can u help me with this?
  10. -1, im not fan of catching/evolving
  11. The auction held on silver server, gold player can still bid there and do the trade on winner server
  12. S.o: 1m, min raise 150k Insta: Soon Ends 72h after 1st bid Thanks, have a good day
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