Dear staff,
I have problems this quest mega stones, game 3 race swimming to hard, to many spawn pokemon,
Can u explain me how to finishing this quest,
halo staff,
bagaimana saya harus evolusi eve ke sylveon ? saya memakai rare candy di love tidak bisa evolusi.
sedangkan sudah lv 99.
adakah saran dari kamu ?
dear staff
hallo i lose my poke rotom hp fire timid, im forgot about stat, can u cek sir ? mybe i delet this poke.
im sorry my english so bad.
dear staff, I want to report whether this is a bug or not. i pvp with someone. he put on mega lopuuny and killed my pokemon, then I took out mega lopunny too, when the attack collided I ate HJK and the enemy used a return move. and the loser is fast me. my mega lopuuny cute charm spd 31. mega lopunny vs spd 28 kludge. sorry if my language is not clear. That is all and thank you.