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Everything posted by Rekkuza

  1. Staff could never just switch whenever they wanted. They can switch however there are (rather lengthy) cooldown periods at best - if a request to switch was put through. Also, staff can have up to 2 staff Pokemon if they have worked for over 12 months with a high level of commitment and workload/ethic, this may be where you are seeing the "switching whenever they want" come into play, when in fact they actually have two rewards, not just the one.
  2. is this enough proof for you WWEFANRICK ?? :P I have been playing since Feb and staff from March 16 - Feb 17
  3. Yeah i know that Nik, & it was my understanding some of the charges were already cleared in a previous appeal, hence my statement about previous appeals/decisions as it was already cleared. Also, i agree with Red here, guys lets use this topic productively, rather than making it a topic full of hate because that will only result in the topic being trashed. Show your support, show you disappointment if needs be but do it in a productive and constructive manner, not aggressive or pointless.
  4. From everything i know of this case, it seems things have been handled rather rash, without an actual proper conclusion. Staff should not ban for something if it had already been cleared in a previous appeal, as that is already dealt with and finalised. However it seems in the end, that is what its come down to and prematurely denied before any reasoning or logical thinking can go into it. As stated, from what i do know, this ban seems unfair and unjust. We all need to remember that if you have the power to completely end all the time, progress and money spent on this game, that it should be taken very lightly and dealt with sensitively. However that doesnt seem to be the case, in my personal opinion. For those that know me, im very controversial. I like to voice things when i see it as wrong, and i know here i havent got every fact, as i do not have access to any 'evidences' as i am no longer staff, but judging from the reasoning(s) given to the player, and the whole process from start to finish from how i have heard it, i am disappointed. I would like to finalise by stating my position... #ISupportWalrosskastanieAndCames I wish you both well, and hope you will both find a proper resolution in due course. I also wish staff well, albeit i have had concerns of my own on an unrelated note. However im no longer staff nor play, so it isnt my place to try and coach anymore.
  5. If you would notice the Shiny Talonflame is actually in the SHOWCASE, not for SALE, and troll offers arent tolerated on forums. I would refrain from such kind of posts in the future.
  6. Good luck with the shop Dei, & glad i could help with your shop formatting, looks awesome <3 Ps: love the shiny showcase but its missing a Latios
  7. Thankyou Snek, for not just the apology but for doing it publicly and directed to more than just... "recent events" (the part where i kinda come into the whole thing). It couldnt have been easy and i just want you to know i personally appreciate this post. Im glad you are wanting to have a behavioral change, talk to Gambi a bit later on, lets see what happens.
  8. Re: Ancient Times Guildshop (Rework In Progress! - MERRY XMAS @ ALL - Currently Closed) <t>Unlocked as per request of OP</t>
  9. Locked as Seller is no longer able to sell this Pokemon.
  10. DAENNN :Frown: Take care of yourself! Such a pleasure knowing you, good luck with all your studies and your future from here, and after your month break if you decide to re-install discord, make sure you come say hi! Will miss you! One of the friendliest and easiest to get along with players i have come across in PRO and it was a pleasure. See you around mate! :Frown: :Heart:
  11. If its regarding your own ban, create an appeal in the Discipline Appeals section of the forum to discuss this with a member of staff, if this is regarding the ban of someone else, be it a friend of guildie, unfortunately we will not disclose that information, request they appeal and if they wish to they can tell you themselves the details. If you're querying something else, respond with what you are actually wanting to know and i will advise accordingly.
  12. Rekkuza


    Guessing competition over, Emma Watson wins^
  13. As TheGoat stated, different rewards have different chances of dropping, the rarer/better the reward, the less chance there is of receiving it. RNG plays a part here however i wish you good luck with future battles to get that little mushroom Pokemon :)
  14. Rekkuza


    {takes $5 and runs away}
  15. Where there is work to do, there will be a Daeon waiting....
  16. In which case, feel free to edit the link back into your main post :)
  17. firstly, i have removed the link from your post. Secondly, can you revise your poll to exclude peoples emails, this is not relevant whatsoever to your post and can breach peoples privacy. Also, there is always the option of running a poll on forums itself rather than an external source. May i request, you keep this generic if it is for "statistical purposes" and exclude IGN's and email addresses from your survey, then you may repost your link.
  18. Please read: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=59038 also:
  19. Rekkuza

    leech seed ban

    Please refer to this post: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=59026
  20. I saw your points, and those points have already been addressed in my other replies on this topic, i feel they were answered there, at least. I understand the bad timing however its not like people could only submit a team of 6. People have 14 submitted Pokemon, a lot of people would have built some sort of rotation within those 14 mons (i would presume), therefore it isnt necessarily crucial to one persons win/loss in the tournament, in that sense. Although yes i agree (as stated 3 times now) that the timing could have been better, and the effect that it has on the tournament because it obviously has an effect on the tournament. However, as stated in my previous replies, ------- This doesnt really make sense. Allowing moves that give an unfair advantage due to a bug IS "the way to do it"... how could it not be? I dont understand this point to be honest. -------- I sincerely hope that your attitude changes. I have stated and acknowledged and advised on your points. Im locking this thread now before it turns into a free-for-all.
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