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Everything posted by Dadmaster420

  1. let me know when you're ready to pick it up or pm me in game on Boces @Phucs
  2. 1.5m start, 100k min bid, 2 day auction insta 7m
  3. add end date pls and ill start
  4. @NayeonBlueI work for another 3 hours when I get off I can make the trade
  5. C.o 2.2m about 18 hours left on auction
  6. rr=700k cc=370k start is 2m,min offer is 200k, insta 6m 3 day auction
  7. What's your IGN? dadmaster420 Please post a picture of your trainer card! What is your discord ID? dadmaster420#8454 How far are you in story? i just finished johto and will finish others soon :) How active are you in PRO? (How often do you play?) every day poke flow Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? both are nice Have you ever been banned in game and why? never, because i dont do bad stuff Why do you want to join Calamity guild? chill with friends make new friends and help where i can, enjoy a easy going guild with people that want to have fun
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