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Everything posted by Dragokraz

  1. Iv : 27+ ATK 31 SPD 25+ all remaining Sniper ability Jolly nature Contact me on discord if you have : Dragokraz#7745
  2. WTB Godly Gengar HP ICE (31 SPD) or Hp Fire (30 SPD) or no HP 31 SPD / 25+
  3. I sell prestige mount : Shiny Rayquaza Pm me on discord : Dragokraz#7745
  4. Auction rules: >>> Start offer: 600k <<< >>> Minimum bid (after start): 200k <<< >>> Auction ends 48h after the first bid <<< >>> Insta price: 3m <<< >>> CC (worth 400k), reroll IV (worth 700k), reroll nature (worth 300k) <<<
  5. Congratulations @Hunganh ! You have winning the auction with your 1m6 bid. Contact me on discord at : Dragokraz#7745 or in game if you see me online for make the trade. Thanks everyone for your participation !
  6. 1m6 b.o @Hunganh 25 min left
  7. 1 hour left b.o 1m4 @BojacK
  8. Bid 1m2 by @Gray10Fulbuster
  9. Bid 1m by @Hunganh
  10. Bid 800k by @Gray10Fulbuster
  11. Start : 600k by @priyankaa
  12. Auction rules: >>> Best offer: 1M6 by Hunganh <<< >>> Minimum bid (after start): 200k <<< >>> Auction ends 48h after the first bid <<< >>> Insta price: 3m <<< >>> CC (worth 400k), reroll IV (worth 700k), reroll nature (worth 300k) <<<
  13. Pm me with what you have. My discord it's Dragokraz#7745
  14. SOLD.
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